Layla's POV
It's been a whole month that we've been on the run. Kaleb sold his car and bought a cheap truck. I felt bad with him having to sell his car. I tried to talk him out of it, but he said it by selling it we would have more money and make it harder for people to track us down by his car. He ended up buying a used truck. It's in okay shape for being as old as it is and it's getting us where we need to go. We have been staying at some really cheap and scary motels. We stay no more than two days max before we head to our next destination. The people who stay at these motels aren't the best of people. They remind me a lot of my dad's friends.
Kaleb and I have also dyed our air, and I've cut mine shorter in hopes of us not being recognized when we are out in public. My stepfather is on a nation-wide manhunt for his kidnapped daughter. Yes, the news is reporting that Kaleb kidnapped me and forced me to runaway with him.
Kaleb and I have grown very close in the past few week, maybe a little too close. We've done things that we probably wouldn't have done if we were at home. Of course, I'm skipping some details, but I'm late. I don't know what came over us. It all just kind of happened that first week we ran off and now I'm late. I love Kaleb. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and he says the same, but will he feel the same way if I'm pregnant. I mean, I may not be. I am only about a week late and we did use protection. I just, I just don't know. The stress of us running and being worried about us getting caught could be causing my hormones to become off balance in return causing me to be late.
"Hey, you don't look so well. Are you feeling okay?" Kaleb asks, as I start packing our stuff up again.
I don't want to tell him that I could possibly be pregnant. What would he say? Would he just leave me here on my own? I doubt it, but I don't want to tell him until I know for sure. "I'm just feeling a little queasy. Probably something I ate."
Kaleb grabs our backpacks after giving me a small kiss on the cheek. "How about after we check in at the next motel we go out for dinner?"
He really is a sweet guy. "No, it's okay. We need to save our money."
"Come one, Layla." He says pulling me into a hug and kissing me softly. "We haven't splurge on anything since we ran away. Aren't you tired of eating Peanut butter sandwiches and Raman noodles?"
"No, no buts. We will be safe I promise, okay?"
"Fine, but only this once, and I want to cross state lines first." I say.
He picks up our backpacks with a huge smile on his face. "Of course, babe."
As I get settled into our truck my stomach starts to turn as my anxiety spikes. Why? Why did this have to happen? My life really does suck. The bounciness of the car ride only makes me feel worse. It's taking everything in me to not throw up all over the place.
Kaleb must of notice because the next thing I know we are pulling into the parking lot of a small drugstore. He quickly jumps out leaving me in the car while he runs inside to buy whatever it is that he thinks will make me feel better. Stupid, Stupid Layla. How could you let yourself get into this predicament? I scolded myself in my head.
After sitting in the car alone for about ten minutes, I start thinking that I should have probably gotten out and bought a test. It would be the only way to know for sure, but how would I hide it from Kaleb? I don't want to scare him.
As I start to get out of the truck, Kaleb is at my door side. "Where do you think you are going? Get back in the truck. I got everything you need."
If I don't get it now, I won't have another chance to get a test anytime soon. "But Kaleb, there is something that I need to get really quick and it's kind of personal." I say, not wanting to tell him what I need.
"Nope." He says popping the 'p'. "I already got you everything that you need."
I can tell by the look in his eyes that I have no shot of winning this. He's been so overprotective of me and when we are out in public, he won't let me out of his sight for even a second. I love that about him, and I'm glad he does it. I feel safe with him around, but this time I really need to get something without him. I guess when we get to the next motel I can always try and sneak out when he's asleep.
He runs to his side of the car, and it is just now that I notice that he has six bags of stuff. Jeez what all did he buy? Once he's inside the car, he hands me a bag that has crackers and a sprite. "This might help your stomach a bit."
"Thanks, Kaleb. You are way too sweet." I admit.
"You haven't seen anything yet," he laughs as he hands me another bag. Inside the bag there is a small stuffed bear holding a heart that says, 'I love you!' He also has two bags of my favorite candy, Peanut M&Ms. He then starts putting the rest of the bags in the backseat behind him except for one that he leaves on his lap. "So, I was going to get you some medicine, but I figure that wasn't a smart idea."
"Huh?" I asked confuse as to why getting me medication wouldn't be a smart idea. I doubt medicine would help, but I'm still curious as to why he thinks medicine wouldn't be a smart idea if I'm sick.
"Layla, you know you don't have to worry about anything. No matter what happens, I'm not leaving you. I love you."
I stare at him for a few minutes not sure what he's talking about. "Kaleb, what are you talking about?"
He smiles and hands me the bag in his lap. As I slowly open the bag, I don't know what to say. "H-How? W-why? A-are you mad at m-me?"
He grabs my hand and kisses it. "No, I'm not mad. It takes two tango," he chuckles nervously. "I mean it's not great timing, but no matter what happens we will be fine. I love you."
"I-I can't believe you bought me a pregnancy test. I can't believe you knew." I say shock. "I love you." I say as tears start to flow from me eyes.
"I love you too. And for the record, I notice everything about you." He says with most genuine smile, and I know he's telling the truth.

The Truth ✔
Teen FictionKaleb Knightly, Briarwood High School's own bad boy. But he's not your typical 'bad boy.' He makes straight A's, he doesn't sleep around, and he cares about people and isn't afraid to show that he cares. Since bumping into Layla Davis, the school's...