Chapter 41~

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'Son, some dangers are worth the risk.' Plays in my head on repeat. It would be nice to hear from someone in my family. I take one more glance at Layla to make sure she is still sleeping before I make my way over to the payphone. With a shaky hand I pick up the phone and dial the first number that comes to mind. Each ring makes my anxiety spike more and more until I hear a voice.

Kaleb's POV


"Hey." I say nervously.



"I-is that really you? I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Whitney. I can't talk long. I just wanted to let you know that we are okay."

"Kaleb, wait."

"Whitney, I really need to go. We can't stay in one place too long without it putting us in danger and-"

"Damnit Kaleb can you listen to me for a damn minute. The two of you need to get home now. Her dad is here for her."

Her dad is there for her? What the fuck? He gave her up. "Why would I care if that fucker is there? Did you forget all of the shit he did to Layla?"

"Kaleb no. Her real dad is here. We found Layla's real dad."

"W-What? But. I. What?"

"We found Layla's real dad. The two of you need to get back here as soon as possible. Once Layla takes a DNA test it will prove that Adam Boswell is her real dad. Her stepdad will have no rights to her."

"I don't understand. I thought her dad was Mr. Davis."

"No, it was all a fabricated lie for her stepdad's gain. The two of you need to get home as soon as possible."

"Y-yeah. We'll head that way n-now." I stutter still trying to wrap my head around the news my cousin just said.

"Kaleb? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a lot to take in right now and there's other things."

"What other things? What's wrong? Did something happen with Layla?" Whitney says with panic rising in her voice.

"Um. Well you see, she may or may not be pregnant?" My voice squeaks.

"W-What? Are you lying to me? H-how did this happen? And what do you mean may or may not?"

"I think you damn well know how things like that happen, and we don't know because she has been too afraid to take a test. She's late, but it could just be due to stress."

"But y'all have...?"

"Yeah, we have." I say nervously.

"Um okay, well if she is, we'll figure it out. Y'all have choices and-"

"The only choice is we will raise our family together. I love Layla and if she's pregnant, I'll love our baby too."

"I didn't mean it like that, Kaleb, but-"

"But what Whitney?" I can feel myself getting more and more annoyed with this conversation.

"Her real dad doesn't live anywhere near us. I-I don't know what the future holds for the two of you, but we will figure it out."

My grip on the phone tightens as I can feel my anger boil up inside of me. There is never an option where Layla and I get to be together in peace. Her stepdad either finds us, her real dad gets custody or her and she's taken away from me or we continue to live on the run without a chance of a normal life anytime soon. "I'm not losing her Whit. We've come too far for her to be taken away from me. Real dad or not, I don't care."

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