Chapter 9 ~

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Kaleb's POV

I offered Layla a ride home after school, but she refused saying that she needed to do some research for one of her classes in the library. I also offered to wait for her, but she was adamant about me not waiting. Of course, I knew she was lying to me about needing to do research for one of her classes. It's only the second day of school and either me or one of my friends are in all her classes. I would have brought that to her attention, but I could tell by the look on her face that she just wanted and needed to be alone. I still didn't like the idea of her walking home by herself, but it's not like I can force her to accept a ride from me.

I still had to take Whitney home since I drove her to school this morning. I'm already in my car waiting for her when I see her, Summer and Winter walking out of the school. Something is off about them though. They're normally all bubbly and happy, but they all seem to be in a sad daze. Whitney walks over to my car and silently slips into my car. "Are you okay?"

She faces me with watery eyes. "Can you come in when we get to my house?"

This is very unusual for Whitney. "Did something happen? Daniel didn't break up with you or anything right?"

She sniffles a bit. "No. We just need to talk."

"Tell me now." I beg. "You are worrying me."

She sighs. "It can wait until we get to my house. I would rather you not be driving when we talk."

"Is, is it about Layla?" By her staying silent, I have my answer. My knuckles start to turn white as I grip my steering wheel tightly. I drive faster than the speed limit needing to know what is wrong.

I park my car in Whitney's drive way and follow her to her room. She throws her purse down and closes her bedroom door before sitting on her bed.

"What happened?" I ask impatiently.

Whitney takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "So, you know how Summer, Winter and I were supposed to work with Layla during are second off period?" I nod my head. "Well, I told Layla that she needed to change into one of the uniforms so that I could assess her better compared to the baggy clothes she normally wears."

"She didn't want to do the routine and she kept refusing to change clothes. After begging her and trying to persuade her for about thirty minutes she said that if I didn't force her to change clothes that she would attempt the routine and give her schedule another day before having it fixed." Whitney gives me a sad smile. "I told her okay thinking that it was win-win. I would be able to see if she could even do the routine and for at least one more day she would still have the schedule we made for her."

"So, then what's the problem?"

Whitney looks at me worriedly and gulps. "The problem is when she did the routine. First, let me say she did awesome. The way she picked up on each routine and executed it perfectly, she was meant to be a cheerleader. If I had to guess, she's probably taken gymnastic when she was younger."

"So, you're worried she going to be the best on the team?" I question being unable to understand what was wrong.

She rolls her eyes at me. "No, Stupid. The problem is when she was doing one of the flips her hoodie and shirt raised up showing her stomach and back. The bruise on her face isn't the only one. Her stomach was purple and yellow." Whitney starts crying. "She had marks on her back too. I couldn't tell if they were cuts or what, but she freaked out on us when she realizes we saw them. I-I think someone is hurting her, Kaleb."

I can't help but to start crying too. "I was afraid of that. I've notice that she finches a lot when someone touches her or she too scared when someone comes up behind her."

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