Chapter 34 ~

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Connor's POV

None of us got any sleep last night. We all stayed at Whitney's house overnight, but her parents and mine never came home. When I got a hold of my dad, he said things were worse than they expected. I decided it was best to not tell him about us planning on going to the prison to talk to Layla's dad.

"They're not going to let us all see him." Daniel says as we all sit around the dining room table eating breakfast. "He's only allowed three visitors"

"I'm going in." I say quickly. "It was my idea, and it's my best friend and his girl on the run."

"Me too. He's my cousin, and I want to try and fix what I did wrong to Layla." Whitney says hesitantly.

Daniel, Jake, Summer and Winter all look at each other. "I want to be the other one that goes to see him." Jake says.

Summer and Winter decide to stay at Whitney's with Daniel incase are parents come home with more information.

Jake drives us to the prison. The drive takes us at least forty-five minutes to get there, and no one says a word for the first thirty minutes. I like the silence. It helps me get my questions ready in my head that I am going to ask her dad.  Unfortunately, I should know better than to think the silence will remain with Whitney nearby. We are about fifteen minutes away when she finally speaks. "W-what if he refuses to talk to us?"

"Don't say shit like that. She's still his daughter." I growl. He has to help her out. With all of the shit he put her through, he can answer a few questions for us. He will answer the questions I ask him.

"I'm sure he will talk to us." Jake says trying to sound confident, but I know he is just as scared as me.

When we finally pull up to the prison, we leave everything in the car except for our phones which we turn off and our IDs. We were all more than a little nervous walking inside of the prison. I don't know if it's because we are here at a prison, or if it's because we are worried that Layla's dad won't talk to us.

After going through security, we are escorted to an area that has tables for us to sit at. We wait for about ten minutes before the guards start escorting prisoners to the tables. I had expected us to be behind a glass window like you see on TV, but I guess Layla's dad isn't considered high risk, so we're allowed to sit at the same table as him with guards standing in the room.

He sits down in front of us looking really nervous. "Mr. Davis, we are friends of Layla. We wanted to ask you a few questions." I say calmly but really I would like nothing more than to tear him from limb to limb.

"Where's Layla? I thought they said that Layla would be here?" He says panicking. "I need to apologize to her."

Jake looks at me with a confuse look before he turns towards Layla's dad. "Layla ran away and we need your help."

"She what? You need my help?" He asks before gulping.

"Umm. I read an article that said before Layla's mom died her stepdad was looking for you to sign rights over to him." Whitney says nervously.

"He was looking for Layla's dad but I'm... I'm not Layla's dad." Mr. Davis says. "I can't have kids. It's impossible for me to have kids."

It takes me a few minutes before I fully understand what he just said.  "What?!" I shout as I stand from my seat. The guards all look at me and I quickly sit back down. "What do you mean your not Layla's dad?" I ask in a deadly tone. "Does Layla know this?"

Mr. Davis sigh and a tear escapes his eye. "No. As far as Layla knows, I am her real father."

"Why?" Jake growls. "Why trick her?"

"It was her mother's idea. Layla's real dad is a lawyer for a small company who has been searching for her ever since Layla's mom left him when Layla was only one." He sighs. "Layla's mom was cheating on him with Layla's stepfather. She would do anything that guy asked her to do. Scott's plan was always to marry Layla off to his friend's son. It was a business deal. No one expected the son to become so obsess with Layla. Everything was working out just fine until Layla started asking questions about her dad. Layla hated living with her mom and Scott and beg them to let her live with her real dad.  They couldn't allow for her to leave.  The whole deal depends on Layla marrying Derrick."

Mr. Davis closes his eyes while some tears fall down his cheek. "I was addicted to drugs and alcohol. I would do anything to get my next fix. When Layla's mom approached me one day and told me they would pay me big money to pretend to be Layla's dad, I couldn't turn it down. They told me worse case scenario was I may have to hit her a few times, and that was only if I ever actually met Layla. No one expected her to run away to come and live with me. By that time, I was so messed up, that hitting her wasn't a big deal. It became fun. I didn't care that I was hurting an innocent child. I was messed up in the head. I was taking harder and harder drugs and she was something to take the anger out on."

"You sick fuck. Do you realize how much damage you did to her?" I growl out. "Not only did you cause her physical pain and scars, but you caused emotional ones too. She thinks so little of herself because of you." My anger is boiling over and takes everything in me to not punch this guy in the face.

"Was is worth it?" Whitney cries out. "My aunt and uncle are now in jail. My cousin is on the run with Layla and if they get caught, my cousin goes to jail while Scott gets custody of Layla."

"I am so sorry. None of this was supposed to happen." He cries.

Jake is fuming with anger just like me. Sure, we are all worried about Kaleb's parents and Kaleb, but over the past few months Layla really has became one of us. The reality of the matter is that if Scott gets custody of Layla, we could lose her for forever. None of us want to lose her, but for Jake it's the worse. Jake had a younger sister who was two years younger than him making Layla the same age his sister would have been if she was still here. She was ill at birth and didn't make it past age three. Even though Layla doesn't talk to him as much as she does to the rest of us. She has filled that empty spot that has been in his heart from his little sister. He thinks of Layla as a sister and I've even heard his parents talk about how they feel like she's their missing daughter. Not that they will ever forget their real daughter, but Layla was able to help close the void in their hearts. She doesn't realize the impact that she has made on all of us and our families. "If your so damn sorry, give us something that can help Layla." Jake demands.

Mr. Davis looks at us and gulps. "If Scott ever finds out I told you any of this, he will have me killed. With all I've done to that poor girl, I deserve to die.  Her real dad's name is Adam Boswell. Davis is Layla's mother's maiden name. Her real dad has never given up on her. Scott is a powerful guy and with his power it makes it easy for him to hide her from her real dad. Find her real dad. That's the only way to help save her from Scott."

"One more question." Jake says. "If Layla's mom was with Scott and they are always in the news, wouldn't it have been easy for Layla's real dad to find them."

Mr. Davis starts laughing like a mad man. "That lady had so much work done to her that she was unrecognizable from her original self. That bitch and her husband only cared about self-gain. I know what I did was wrong, but they are just as much at fault. I hope she's rotting in hell now." He says as he starts laughing again.

We decide with him acting crazy that it's a sign that it was our time to go. The three of us walk out of the prison and turn our phones back on. Immediately all of our phones start going off. I open up the first text message that I received from Daniel.

Don't come back, Things are bad here. Find something to help to Layla and Kaleb out.

"Hey guys, something is going on." Whitney and Jake show me their phones. Both of them have similar messages.

"Shit. What do we do now?" Jake asks.

"Let's find Adam Boswell." I sigh.


A/N:  The song I posted doesn't have anything to do with this chapter.  It was what I was listening too as I wrote it.  =)  ~KarenJ128~

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