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SO MANY SHIPS!!! Um i dare ink dream cross error killer and nightmare to play never have i ever also *gives geno and reaper their favorite food* here you go!

Ink: Never have I ever been boned.

Nightmare: Well that's not much of a surprise, is it?

Error: Never have I ever been in any way attracted to anybody.

Ink: Lies~

Error: I'm not lying!

Dream: Your emotions say otherwise.

Killer: Oh, lemme guess who it is! Uhhhh........Is it Horror?

Error: No!

Killer: Dust?

Error: Heck no!

Killer: It has to be someone who shares your love for killing...Is it me?

Error: F**k off!

Killer: Oh, you flatter me. But I'm already with someone.

Cross: This game is getting nowhere.

*They're both asleep in each other's arms. You place the food on their bedside table for them to eat when they wake*


I still wanna know what's happening with bloodlust


What's goin' on with bloodlust currently? 

Also all the uke's have to dance in a dress in front of their other. :3

*Lust is asleep and snuggling Horror. Horror is staring off into the distance. Both are half-naked in bed and seem very content.*

*All the ukes do this. Everyone finds this rather entertaining.*


I le dare Ink and Error to do Seven minute's in heaven!

Ink: Here we go, Glitchy~

Error: *Unholy screeching*

*They spend seven minutes in a closet. FC flings the door open and catches Ink on top of Error, making out with him. Error is glitching vigorously, but he doesn't seem to be pushing Ink away.*

FC: Victory! >:D


Me:*push ink out of the room and lock the doors and windows *

Also me:so everyone how many layers of clothing do ink have

(Let ink in after they answer the question *

Ink: Ah...well then...

*Ink stands there awkwardly. Waiting...*

FC: Three?

Crow: Two?

Outer: Fifty?

Fell: A hundred?

Classic: Possibly thousands?

Sci: Now those last three were just ridiculous.

Killer: Ink is infinitely layered with clothing! It doesn't matter how many clothes you rip off, there's still more!

Raspberry: Do you know this from experience?

Killer: I want to stab every single damn swirly tattoo off that b*stard's body. >:(


Killer Kiss Nightmare

*Killer does this. After a few seconds, Nightmare lets out a long sigh before starting a make out session with Killer. Hmm...saucy~*


*kath,me,midnight and sunlight fell to the portal above everyone* AHH!!*thud*

Sunlight: kath, this is the 5th time for doing this to us!!!

Kath: i am sorry i was distracted bossy-

Me and midnight: uhhh girls...you know there is everyone saw us right?

Kath: s***

(sorry for that because i do sometimes do rp in ask or dare book)

Me: w-well...hi im thea sophia

Kath: im kath plumpkin!

Sunlight: im sunlight

Midnight: and im midnight

Kath: well nice to see ya all *wanted to have a handshake*

Me: oh brother...

FC: I'm sorry, but we won't be RPing. At least not here. Crow and I have a Discord that we can RP in, if you want. But I'd like to keep this ask and dare book and ask and dare book.

FC: Just saying. You won't find much satisfaction here, buddy. Feel free to ask and dare whatever, though.


*Blueberry and Dust are wondering town, not doing much*

Blueberry: Where do you think we should go?

Dust: I dunno.

Blueberry: Maybe we could go somewhere to eat!

Dust: Sure.

*As they wonder for somewhere nice to eat, they go into a different part of town. There are no monsters here, just humans. They watch the two skeletons with some curiosity. Dust's eye twitches.*

Dust: Humans.

Blueberry: What's wrong Dust?

*If you listen closely you can almost hear a voice whispering things to Dust. Urging him to do something terrible. He stops walking*

Blueberry: Dust?

*Dust's eyes glow brighter. The whispers grow louder and more demanding. Sharp bones appear around Dust*

Dust: Those filthy humans must die!

Event start: Rampage

Ask and Dare the Sanses (Reboot!)Where stories live. Discover now