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To Error:

Here's yo Love's vials... I am now allowing him to feel and be bubbly again!

So ummmmmm..... What now? 

I LOVE EVERYONE!!! It has been a year since my great grandmom that I actually thought was gonna live long died and now her b-day is coming and can somebody let Nootmare giving me... Well NIGHTMARES!!!

Error: Oh thank the creators. Ink!

Ink: You'll never catch me alive.

*Ink attempts to jump out of their room. Error very easily catches him with his strings*

Ink: Oh, so you will catch me alive.

*Error shoves the vial's contents into Ink's mouth*

Error: F**king DRINK!

FC: I dunno.

Nightmare: Eh?

Crow: I'm...sorry to hear about that.


Ok can we please leave geno alone its doing you no good to be annoying him. He needs his personal space.

So when are we gonna do the party in like three chapters? 

Nightmare is the best oh yes he is he thinks he's mumbe one. his teaches didn't teach him how to work and how to make it fun. He didn't learn read or right or spell or how to get along at _______________ _______ hes moving up and thats where he belongs. (A song thats from a place not mentioned) Also it bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum, but really fast. Also I'm not saying you didn't learn tha stuff I'm saying teachers didn't teach you (I think) at udjehEhrjdjdj msms.

I wrote to much

Geno: *Quiet weeping*

Crow: Yeah. We've got about eight chapters left in this book, so...

Crow: Don't worry, there will be a second book.

Nightmare: ???

FC: Nah.


*le snuggles Dusty for.. Like 5hrs* Mkay, now...... WHERES EDGEH MCEDGE!?!?!


Can I join the snuggles

Dust: :3

*Fell is hiding because he's done with everything.*


It's ok... It was worth asking anyway. How is everyone doing?

Outer: Most of us are fine. As far as I know, anyway.

Blueberry: Thanks for asking!


Rey: is anyone allergic to anything? I'm making some cupcakes with peanuts in them, and the cake has eggs, and everything thing in between. I don't mind redoing my cooking!

Crow: All of that should be fine. Nobody's allergic.


I seriously am not liking the "no filter" Ink..... PLEASE DRINK YOUR VIALS SO YOU CAN GO BACK TO NORMAL!! ;-; Plus, he's reminding me of Underverse

*Luckily, Error has forced Ink to drink his "drugs" from his vials. Ink is both embarrassed and trying to cover it up by flirting with Error without end*

Ink: You know, I'd love to make my drawings come to life~

Error: *Flustered glitch noises* >////<

Ink: Heheheh~~~

Ask and Dare the Sanses (Reboot!)Where stories live. Discover now