Le 126

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Welp I guess Entity won't socialize


Let Entity in pweeeeeeeaaase... ಥ_ಥ

Entity: ._.

Fell: Like h*ll we're letting that thing in! It's caused way too much trouble!!

Raspberry: They've ruined relationships and they are responsible for Reaper's death! You can't really expect us to trust them just like that, do you?

*Dream glances around the room, as if looking for something. He begins searching the tower.*


*Pulls out chocolate* *Proceeds to put chocolate on table* *Puts MLG glasses on chocolate* The chocolate is too cool to eat.

Cross: *Gasp* :O

*Classic chuckles and gives you thumbs up*


Savage: Thabks, Crow! *collects all the non shiny ones; goes into a portal to a HUGE cave full of trasures and stashes it before closing the portal and flying off*

Bluemoon: Well, do you think I can help by keeping all nightmares away from Geno? I just have to go to the dream realm, a place only me and my brother can go.

Neptune: I dare Nightmare tp play SCP.

Crow: ^w^

Sci: I don't know how that works, but go ahead.

Nightmare: I would, but I'm stuck in this bed until my soul recovers fully.

Killer: Heeeeeyyyy Nighty!!

Nightmare: Killer.

Killer: I got a laptop so you could do the dare! ^w^

Nightmare: *Long, irritated sigh*

*Nightmare plays the game. He finds it rather boring. But, Sci finds all the information he reads over Nightmare's shoulder rather interesting*


▁(⋆◡⋆)▁ *le snoogles Geno like dere is nu tomARROw........ gently of course*

Jar-Jar Binks: Meza no like axe guy

Also Jar-Jar: Meza no like knife guy.......oh, there two knife guys??? O-o

Geno: Zzzzz......

FC: Mhm.


*puts a blanket over geno gently*


Le me: *snoogles* wif da Genome..... I'm sorry, I had to.

Geno: Zzzzzzzzzzzz......


Danica: I dare a shipping contest! Best ship wins!! Fc, Crow, and Geno are the judges!! Winners get a trophy and a lifetime supply of chocolate!

FC: Ok! Uh........everyone do something cute, I guess.

*Horror grabs Lust, dipping and kissing him passionately. Lust is surprised. Very, very surprised.*

Crow: Since when does Horror-

Horror: I want the f**king food.

Lust: :/

FC: Next!

Outer: I love you, Blue~

Blueberry: I love you too, Outer~

*And then they kiss.*

FC: Coolio. Next.

*Ink attempts to surprise Error with a big hug. Error ends up having a panic attack, teleporting to a random room in the tower and crashing*

FC: Uh...next?

Killer: Nighttyyyyyyy!!!!

*Nightmare grumbles, planting a kiss on Killer's cheek. Killer would have stars in his eye sockets if he had eye lights*

FC: Next.

*Cross has to go looking for Dream, who is still searching around the tower for something. He holds Dream in a comfy embrace the two share a loving kiss*

FC: Is that it? I think that's it.

*FC looks up at Crow*

FC: Cream?

Crow: Cream.

FC: Cream wins!

Cross: Yay!!!

*Dream, not really sure what is going on, continues wondering the tower*

Raspberry: Hmph. I think you're all idiots.

Dust: Why? Because they're having a bit of fun?

Raspberry: Mm...

Dust: Are you jealous?

Raspberry: No, you f**king imbecile!

Dust: You are jealous!

Raspberry: *Angry groan*

Ask and Dare the Sanses (Reboot!)Where stories live. Discover now