Le 87

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Awww nightmare and little moon and dream thats such a cute moment!! Fc get the camera! Hey ink does anyone look at you in suspension for what your gonna do? Also MARRY CHRISTMAS!!


Today's Christmas EVE!!!!!!!


I know it's exciting and I'm waiting for my bro and his girlfriend to get back so we can all watch Christmas movies


So inks plan starts tomorrow on Christmas Day


I know i want to know if anyone was suspicious of ink after whatever ink has planned happens


I'm pretty sure everyone might be because ink shoot everyone with the paint gun I gave him


I gave him paint grenades and and paint filled buckets and paint filled balloons

*FC gets the camera and takes many pics. They ignore her. You receive many pics*

FC: I live down under, so it is actually Christmas for me. Marry Christmas everyone. :3

Ink: Nobody suspects anything.

*Everyone suspects it*

Ink: Nobody has a clue about my plan!

*Everybody knows exactly what he's planning*

Ink: I have placed the plans in a safe, secret place.

*The plans are sitting on a couch where everyone can see it*


Neptune: *gives a shiny necklace made of diamonds to Crow* A diamond necklace, here you go!

*Crow's eyes shine with great joy. She is very grateful*


YAAY!! *snuggles into Dust cuz he just that d*mn comfy*


*hugs too* this bean needs hugs for comfort!!

*Dust seems rather happy. He gives all the snuggles*


I'm starting to get worried about blue is he ok?

*You are still unable to see Blueberry's location. However, you can hear quiet, restrained sobbing. He doesn't sound hurt, just upset. You can also feel an aura of regret and shame around him*


And today inks plan starts

Ink: Mwahahahahahahaha!!!! Today victory shall be mi-

*Everyone appears behinds Ink and dumps dozens upon dozens of bucketloads of paint onto Ink*

Raspberry: The prankster has become the pranked.

Ink: *Frustrated skeleton noises*


Yay! Christmas!


Also CHRISTMAS !!!!!

FC: Marry X-Mas, and to all a good night. ^^


*Blueberry is weeping in a hidden room somewhere in the tower. He looks as if he's been crying for a while now. Somebody knocks on the door*

Outer: Blue? Are you in their?

Blueberry: Y-Yeah...

Outer: May I come in?

Blueberry: Yeah...

*Outer walks into the dark room. He sits down beside Blueberry*

Outer: Are you ok?

*Blueberry shakes his head slightly*

Outer: You can talk to me. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to.

*Blueberry pauses for a moment*

Blueberry: ...I...I just...I know what h-happened with Dust w-w-wasn't his fault...I wish with a-all my soul I could stop b-being so scared of h-h-him...but I...I...

*Blueberry buries his face in his hands, hiding his face as he continues to cry. Outer places a gentle hand on Blueberry's shoulder*

Outer: It's ok to cry, Blueberry. And nobody is judging you for being scared. You have every reason to be scared.

Blueberry: I-It wasn't his f-f-fault-

Outer: That doesn't matter. You're scared of the pain. You're scared of what could happen again. That's perfectly normal, Blue.

*Blueberry goes silent. Outer pulls Blueberry into a hug*

Outer: And don't be ashamed for crying about it. You have a big heart. Be proud of that. You're someone I and many others admire greatly.

*They stay in a silent embrace for a while longer. In the background, you can hear some of the others singing Christmas carols whilst very, very drunk on various beverages. The pull away from the hug*

Blueberry: Thanks Outer. I...I really appreciate it...

Outer: You're very welco-

*Blueberry quickly kisses Outer*

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