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Spirit: hey I'm Danae's ghost trait coming to tell you to haunt those who annoy you and give advice to those you care for

Spirit your supposed to be asleep

Spirit: YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE *floats away*

But your a ghost... Anyway nightmare why do you act like the mother to everyone even before you had little moon also who do you consider a friend of sorts?

Reaper: Ok.

Nightmare: They're all idiots who need someone to teach them not to make stupid mistakes. I'm that someone. But I wouldn't say act like their mother.

Nightmare: Hm...

Nightmare: I don't really consider anyone to be my friend. I would've said Killer, but I don't think he counts. Maybe...Dust? I don't get along with anybody, so...


Rey: what would happen if Gray Sans appeared and introduced himself to Asy bean?

FC: I would make the two fall hopelessly in love with each other because gosh darn it I ship it now! >:/


I'm kidding nightmare anything you want or need like as in me leaving before u kill meh 

The ugly one jk I mean fell

Omg reaper I'm so happy for chu ^^ 

Fc is there a way for us to use are reader magic and make it so reaper can touch things or people touch him? If so then I do that if not I wonder if I turn him into an animal if that effects anything. Now he's an animal for 3 asks as a test.

Nightmare: F**k off.

Sci: He's fine, I suppose. A bit unfriendly, but better then Nightmare.

Nightmare: Hey! Nobody is better then me.

Sci: Keep telling yourself that.

Reaper: :3

FC: I don't think so. He'd practically be alive at that point and I think that completely dismisses what happened. :/

*You attempt to turn Reaper into an animal. It doesn't work...*


Hug say

FC: Hug say.

Entity: Before we do anything, we'll have to test out the game.

FC: And how do we do that?

Entity: Surely you should know.

FC: I do, but saying I don't adds to the book's word count.

Entity: Summon it. Attack them.

FC: Sure.

*FC snaps her fingers*


*A buggy portal appears within the tower*

Horror: What the h*ll is that?

Error: I don't know, but it gives me a bad feeling...

Dream: Everyone stay clear of it! There's something inside there!

*A long growl emits from the portal. A horrible chill goes down your spine...*

Ask and Dare the Sanses (Reboot!)Where stories live. Discover now