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Entity this isn't your body you should give it back to dream and find your own body to possess!

Entity: But what if I don't waaannnaaaa??

FC: Come on, Entity. Everyone already knows it's you. Except probably Cross.

Entity: Ugh, fine...

*Entity begrudgingly gets out of Dream's body. Dream is quick to take his body back*

Entity: Happy?

Dream: Very much.

*Cross seems to have come back to his senses and looks slightly embarrassed*

Cross: T-That wasn't Dream?

Dream: It's me now. Entity was possessing me...

*Entity waves at Cross. Cross instantly takes out his knife*

Entity: Chill.

Cross: Like h*ll I'm going to chill!!

Horror: Get out before we slaughter you!

*Entity grumbled. They leave quickly through a window, vanishing. Dream sighs in relief*

Dream: That was utterly embarrassing...

*Cross puts away his knife and pulls Dream into an embrace*

Cross: Are you alright?

Dream: Yes, I'm fine. Are you?

Cross: Well, uh...I guess I'm just...disappointed...?

Dream: Hm????

Lust: OOOoooooo~~~~~ I think Cross likes it when you act so confident with him~~~~~

*Cross mumbles something. Dream giggles and kisses Cross*

Dream: I can do that if you want~

Cross: O////O

Killer: ...So...we're just forgetting what just happened...??


What does cross think if entity A.K.A blue pervert possessing dream?

Cross: It was incredibly un-cool and...slightly embarrassing. But at least nobody was hurt.

Dream: Mm...





Fell...do you have any idea of how F*CKING COMFEH U R!?!?!?

Dis is snuggle heaven~

Hey~ did y'all skellys know that babies are the only thing NOT made in China? I'll tell u where they are made. . . They are made in. . . VA-CHINA!!!😀😁😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

*goes straight back to snuggling Fell after telling the inappropriate joke*

*le snuggle Red more cuz I can*

I luv snuggling da edgy bastard

*Fell blinks, blushing*

Fell: Uh...

*You hear FC giggling in the background. There are two possible reasons for this, but you can't figure out which.*


Danica: *holds a frying pan like Rapunzel* out now Entity- ghost- person- possessing thingy! Out of the dream boy's body and get outta here before I woop you like an ATTACK HELICOPTER!!

Entity: I'm gone, I'm gone!

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