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Oh no dream blue!!! Are you two gonna be okay?! Ink are dream and blue gonna be okay!?

Ink: I'm sure they'll be fine.

*Ink opens a portal right underneath Dream and Blueberry. They fall though and crash land in the room FC and the other's are in. You hear some bones break.*

FC: Oh wow.

Geno: Holy crap, what happened!?

Dream: Dust happened...

*Nightmare and Dust are thrown through a different portal. Dust crashes into a wall and Nightmare lands in a conveniently placed garbage bin. Ink then casually steps though the portal, whistling innocently*

Sci: Ink, you should have been gentler with them!

Ink: I think you're overreacting.

*Dream stumbles to his feet. Blueberry has fainted from the pain. Both are bleeding to death.*

Sci: Come on, I'll get you two fixed up in no time. Could someone help carry Blue?

Outer: I will.

*Outer picks up Blueberry and Sci aids Dream in walking to his convenient laboratory. You buy a Sci, you get a free laboratory with the lot.*

Reaper: Doesn't Crow know healing magic? Where has she gone?

Ink: Nightmare through her box of shinies out a window and now she's searching for it.

FC: Shinies are her only weakness. That and kids. She loves kids.


Welp. That happened. Dust you bastard. I got time. My schedule recently opened up, so I could sit through several long rants.


Please sci don't do long speech QwQ we'll be here all day if you do

Dust: @~@

*Asy pokes Dust with a stick. It's not very effective.*

Sci: We'll have to do that at a later time.


It was worth it. Sorry blue and dream. Where is crow did she get the box? Also what are you going to do with dust and nightmare?

Dream: Mm...?

*Dream seems to be having trouble staying awake, let alone process what you're saying*

*Crow walks into the room, holding her box of shiny objects protectively*

FC: Yo.

Crow: Hi.

*And with that, Crow returns to her room*

Ink: I've already dumped Nightmare in a garbage bin.

FC: We'll likely have to lock them up and put them in magic-restraining cuffs.

Raspberry: I've already done that. You're welcome.

FC: Sweet.


Well then. Killz Idk why I thought you'd care- I should've gone for Cross. But uh, you're cool with me as long as you don't do anything stupid. 


So, you guys gonna lock Nights and Dust up with anti magic shackles?

Killer: >:3

Sci: I'm on it, I'm on it...

*Sci seems to have injected Blueberry and Dream with pure, liquid healing magic. They're steadily recovering. Both have had their wounds bandaged*

Outer: What happened? Did Dust suddenly have a mood swing and decided to torture someone?

Sci: Mood swings come some mental conditions, including insanity. Though Dust seemed so much saner before this...

Dream: There was someone whispering to him...they were telling him to kill us...

Outer: Doesn't he usually "talk" to his dead brother?

Sci: We wouldn't be able to hear it if that was the case...I'll have to ask Dust some questions when he wakes up.

FC: Already done.

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