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Bailey's P.O.V.
Klara pulled a map of the large school from her shiny handbag once we had sat in the peaceful library. Nobody was up here except us, I assume the children are all in lessons, but where's the librarian? Is there a librarian?
She pushed the laminated map a little closer to me with a perfectly painted red nail, and began babbling on about different blocks and buildings. Her lips seemed to be moving at running speed and I couldn't take in what she was rambling on about at all, not that I was trying to anyway.
Instead I wandered over if she actually wanted to be here, or if I was just her easy ticket to skipping a couple of lessons on a Monday morning. She seemed friendly enough but in my experience that did not mean a thing.
"Got it?" She stopped her many instructions and tried to make eye contact, except I looked away swiftly, wanting to avoid feeling as though any attention was on me at all.
I nodded slowly, forcing myself to look back up at her.
"So what's your deal? What's with the no speaking thing?" Her elbow landed on the table as her chin met with her palm, resting there gently.
I shrugged desperate for the hour to be up already so I could leave for science. I wasn't a great fan of the subject but at least there was less contact involved than this.
"Okay . . . Where did you move over here from?" Her voice became sharper and her smile had turned into a mocking one.
I sighed and attempted to muster up some courage to find my voice. Come on Bailey, it's a simple question.
". . . I . . . I . . . London." It came out like a mere whisper causing Klara to let a chuckle escape her lips.
"Do they not speak in London?" She raised her eyebrows, smirking.
I shrugged again, this time annoyed with her teasing. I wanted to reply, I really did. I just didn't know how.
After one of the longest hours I had ever witnessed, of me endlessly shrugging, nodding or shaking my head, I had never been so thrilled for lessons to begin. I followed Klara's speedy pace to the Science block, peering round to my new classmates who were all joking around and shouting.
"Who's this then?" A rich Australian accent flowed through me, I looked up timidly to see a tall, blonde haired boy looking over me.
"This is Bailey, I'm showing her round for the day. Don't worry about her though, Tom, she isn't worth your time, she doesn't even speak." Her tone had become plain and bitchy now, as she looked over and gave me a dagger glare.
"You better watch your back Bailey, nobody ignores me."
Yep definitely a free missed lesson.

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