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Bailey's P.O.V.
Calum paused his sentence once more, as yet another ball of scrunched up paper hit the back of my head.
"Just ignore them Calum, I do." I reassured him.
"I know it just irritates me so much." He sighed, still frustrated.
It had been two days since mine and Calum's little time at the park and this was our first lesson together since the yogurt incident. We were half way through the lesson and so far the other classmates had all picked up on the fact that we were talking to each other, leading to many notes being thrown at us mocking our new found friendship.
At least we were talking now, I had finally found a friend, at least I hope we are friends, I don't know if he feels the same. I sunk further into my seat as the sound of obnoxious snickering filled my ears. A lump was digging in my throat as I heard my name and Calum's being dropped in their conversations every so often. I hated when they spoke about me, I hated it so very much.
"Hey Bailey, why do you only speak to your little boyfriend over there and nobody else? Do you have some sort of freak problem, are you mentally unstable?" I heard Klara's ginger partner, who I'd recently discovered to be named Ebony, taunt from behind us.
"Yeah, I don't get why he talks to you anyway, look at you." Klara joined in immediately causing Calum's head to angrily snap around.
"Can you just shut up? Leave her alone okay?" He growled at the now shocked girls, who's lipstick stained lips formed a small 'o' in bewilderment.
"What the hell, so he can speak. I'd forgotten what your voice sounded like baby." Klara mocked, ignoring Calum's warning. He must of been really worked up to flip out like that, considering how shy he was. He clearly had realised what he'd done and turned back around in a hurry, aggressively gripping hold of the wooden table.
"Thanks for that." I smiled, aiming to calm him down.
His fingers that had turned pale from the tension of gripping so forcefully onto the table, slowly released and he peered into my eyes, allowing a goofy grin to take over.
"I can't believe I spoke to them." he stated breathlessly, still in shock.
". . . I haven't spoken to anybody here in three years, apart from my family, that was until you showed up anyway."
"I've never really spoken to anyone ever." I admitted, completely humiliated that I was basically admitting to never having a real friend, let alone boyfriend, not that I wished for him to be my boyfriend, I didn't. I barley knew the boy, I was just very much intrigued by him.
He grinned again and a faint blush crept upon his tanned cheeks.
"So I . . . er, was wondering . . . if you er, wanted to come sit with me at lunch . . .?" He stuttered out due to his lack of confidence.
My petite hands became clammy and my heart was thumping vigorously against my chest, nobody had ever wanted to sit with me at lunch before . . .
I nodded my head, simply unable to contain my huge happy grin, did this mean we were friends? Did this mean I had an actual friend?

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