*•Round two?•*

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Calum's P.O.V.
"So he's back the whole holidays?" I asked once Bailey had finished explaining about her father coming back home.
"Yeah." She sighed.
"Just come to mine whenever you need some time." I offered.
"Thanks Calum." She smiled as she watched the cars zip down the road, her mind clearly somewhere else.
We were currently walking home together as we decided we may as well since we live so close together. Bailey had been through an even worse day than usual, Klara and her friends choosing today to focus all their attention on making her life miserable.
"Hey speaking of which, the guys were coming round again today if you wanted to join? They really loved finally meeting you last week." I hopefully asked.
"Sure, beats being yelled at any day." She smiled as we continued our friendly chatter.
Bailey's P.O.V.
"Never have I ever made a big mistake." Michael stated, me and Calum both taking a drink.
I'd never played this game before but so far I was really enjoying it, it was particularly interesting to discover parts of Calum's past I had been yet to encounter. However, we weren't exactly playing it properly as Calum's mother was downstairs so we were using juice instead of alcohol.
"No fair guys, I haven't had a drink in ages and I'm thirsty!" Michael whined.
It was true he hadn't done hardly any of the 'never have I ever's' yet.
"Okay, okay. I'll do an easy one." Luke caved in when Michael thrusted his head into his shoulder dramatically, pretending to faint from over heating.
"Never have I ever kissed anyone, there you go Mikey." Luke patted the excited boys back.
Everyone's palms immediately reached forward to collect their shot of juice, whereas my hands stayed firmly placed in my lap. A lump formed in my throat as they turned their heads and eyed me up curiously.
"You've never kissed anybody?" Ashton asked, clearly shocked.
I thought about lying to save myself from embarrassment, about telling them that I'd misheard the question or maybe that I was just kidding, but then I recalled that I'm an awful liar. They're eyes were all burning holes in me as they waited for my answer so I drew in a sharp, shaky breath.
I shook my head slowly, positive that my cheeks were currently burning red.
They began prying further, but it was not a matter that needed to be discussed, I just hadn't kissed anyone yet.
"Can we just carry on with the game?" I squeaked out, becoming nervous again.
"No, I've got a better idea." Michael grinned mischievously. "Let's continue with last weeks game, a part two if you will."
I knew exactly what he meant, he wanted me to kiss Calum. The others all quite clearly got the message as Calum, subtly, but forcefully shoved his shoulder. "Dude!" He whisper shouted to his friend.
"Great idea!" Luke exclaimed, as Ashton nodded his head, telling us he too agreed.
"Are you okay with this?" Calum crawled over so he was next to me, and whispered in my ear.
I thought about it for a while before giving a shaky nod, I really did like Calum and this may be my only chance ever to share an intimate moment with him. Besides I must be the only sixteen year old on the planet who hadn't yet kissed a soul.
The boys erupted into conversation and instructions, Calum extinguishing all of their chatter by standing up.
"If this is going to happen, it's going to happen without you losers watching." He stated, causing me to relax a little.
Calum held out a hand and helped me up, both of us ignoring all their groans at how they wanted to watch.
He led me all the way too his basement before allowing his vibrantly red face to turn to me.
"You don't er, you don't have to if you don't want to." He mumbled, shuffling his feet around nervously.
"It's fine with me." I assured him after a few shaky breaths.
His brown eyes smiled at me before he took a small step closer, ridding the little distance from between us. His warm, large palm reached out and cupped my cheek, expertly tilting my head up to match his. He gave me one last nervous smile before gently leaning in, his plump lips tightly pressing onto mine as I received my first kiss.
All the things I had read about in so many novels came to life, my stomach erupted in butterflies, my heart melted yet still had the strength to pound relentlessly against my rising chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist as I wasn't sure where else to place them and they felt wrong just dangling there aimlessly.
Calum began to deepen the kiss as his tongue glazed over my lower lip, when I obliged happily we were interrupted by loud hollers and cheering.
I pulled away from Calum, blushing so much so that it felt as though my cheeks were on fire as my eyes darted to the other boys who had followed us down the stairs to witness the dare.
"Guys, I said wait up the fricking stairs!" He scolded them.
They all grumbled and rolled their eyes, turning around to head back upstairs. Calum turned his attention to me and smiled again. I realised I had nothing to worry about because his face appeared to be as beetroot as mine felt.
"Sorry about them." He fiddled with his thumbs nervously.
"It's fine." I giggled.
"I hope that was okay . . . you know if you've never er . . ." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, unsure how to phrase his words.
"It was perfect. Thanks Calum." I decided to say, following the others up the stairs to continue the game.

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