*•Don't listen to them.•*

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Bailey's P.O.V .
I have now been here three months and the only good thing is Calum. Everyday the bullying is relentless and I'm so sick of it. At my old school, there were people who just ignored me, places to hide, less bully's.
I stared down at my feet as I paced through the halls to meet my mother as school had just ended. My eardrums blocked out the snickers and the rude remarks as I did so, it wasn't the words necessarily that hurt me most. My blue eyes wandered up briefly to wave goodbye to Calum as I did every Thursday because I passed his last lesson on my route.
Right on time he waved his large hand and gave me a goofy grin as I returned the gesture. His eyes grew distracted as his face fell and I spun around to become face to face with Klara and her stupid gang.
She hardly ever spoke any words to me anymore, she'd just push me down or throw things at me, she still did everything solely to annoy me however.
As normal she snickered at me before pushing me down harshly, causing her friends to erupt with laughter as my books flew around.
"Hey!" Calum yelled at them.
"Ooo! Careful guys, don't want to upset the boyfriend." She took a step back laughing.
"I don't understand why you talk to her anyway Hood, we all know your better than that."
I don't get it either. I thought to myself as Klara seemed to of read my mind.
Calum ignored her comment as he bent down to help me pick up my belongings. As I turned my back to Klara I felt a hot, thick and sticky substance rushing over my head and pouring down my body. I winced in pain from the heat and looked down to see I was drenched in hot, steaming custard.
Tears began to well in my eyes and a hot lump burned in my throat as I began to run to the nearest hideaway I could find. I had to get away from their laughter and Calum's yelling before I broke down.
"Bailey, wait!" I heard Calum yell out.
I shrugged of his call as I continued and shut myself in the confined space of a janitors cupboard. I was still significantly close to where the incident occurred, meaning I could hear their cackles through the thin, old door.
I sat against the opposite wall to the door as I curled into a ball, a complete mess of tears and sobbing. I heard the door being stubbornly shoved open but I didn't care if they saw me cry anymore, I hated this place. I just wanted to leave.
When only silence followed I knew it was Calum who had come to find me and not the others but I still refused to look up.
I heard his footsteps grow closer before his warm arms wrapped around me and held me there, as he still didn't say a word.
"I hate this place Calum." A shaky voice escaped my lips.
"I know Bailey, but I promise one day we can get out of here and we are gonna have the best time ever." His deep, warm breath whispered in my ear gently.
I looked up into his brown eyes for the first time and smiled warmly at him.
"Sorry." I apologised, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Why are you sorry? It's them who should be saying sorry! Look at you!" He raised his voice slightly.
"But now your covered in custard too." I acknowledged.
"I don't care Bailey. You're more important to me than if my clothes get a bit dirty." He held out a hand and helped me up.
"Let's go and get you cleaned up." He began to pull me through the halls to one of the single bathrooms. My mind briefly thought of my mother before I realised I was over three minutes late, meaning she'd already of left.
My heart focused on myself and Calum's fingers still being intertwined, as it pounded so vigorously against my chest it was almost painful. I couldn't understand why a boy like him seemed so eager to be my friend. Maybe it was because he's was shy too, well was shy. Ever since me and him began talking, he seems to of completely forgotten that he's timid.
Once in the bathroom I watched in the mirror as Calum began wetting pieces of tissue and helping to clear off the custard.
"I don't understand why they hate me so much." I stammered out, the tears cascading down my face still.
"Just ignore them, you're so much better than they ever will be." He raised his palm and rubbed away a couple of stray tears as they fell.
"I was wandering if you wanted to come round after school? There's some people I want you to meet." He grinned, watching my reaction hopefully.
My throat began to close up at the thought of meeting new people, not even just one, but multiple people?
"I... I dunno Cal..." I trailed off nervously.
"They're my friends from primary Bailey. They're nice I swear, they Aren't like the people round here." He rubbed my sticky arm.
I looked at him, still unsure.
"Please for me? I'll do your maths homework for you?" He bribed.
I rolled my eyes smiling. "If they hate me I'm leaving." I told him seriously.
"They won't I promise."

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