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Bailey's P.O.V.
A door slammed in the distance as I waited for Calum outside the school grounds. I had messaged him asking if he could meet me slightly earlier so that I could tell him something.
I needed to tell him the truth, I needed his help. I sighed with relief as I saw his figure appear by the gates.
"Sorry about last night . . ." He apologised the moment I was within hearing distance.
"You didn't do anything wrong. But I need a favour."
He looked up at me patiently waiting for my request.
"Eden's having a party tonight and I said you were staying over because I didn't want he and I to end up . . . you know . . ." I rushed out, blushing at the thought.
"So . . .?" Calum seemed confused.
"So, you need to come to the party with me." I mumbled, feeling bad I had dragged him into my own mess.
"Fine." He huffed.
"But I called to tell you something else . . ." I mumbled, uncertain."I don't like Ed-"
"Hello." Eden cut me off, appearing out of nowhere and making me almost jump out of my own skin.
Calum rolled his eyes and his whole body language changed to unapproachable.
"What were you saying Bailey?" Eden licked his lips, his working attempt to threaten me.
"I-I was just telling Calum about the party tonight."
"Is that so . . ." He wrapped a single arm around me and removed any space between us.
"Well, see you at 9 buddy." He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, leading the two of us away.
"Wait, Bailey!" Calum called after us, a clear hint of frustration in his tone of voice.
I swung my head round immediately to see Calum's pained expression.
"You can't call me to come to school early and then leave me here." He whined.
"Sorry." I mumbled, dodging out of Eden's grasp and hurriedly walking back over to him.
"You're right." I told him apologetically.
"Bailey, I really think you should come with me." Eden warned sternly.
A rush of confidence flowed over me, I'm not sure whether it was due to the safety of Calum's presence or because of how much I despised Eden, but I turned around and glared at the evil boy.
"I'm staying with Calum." I informed him, standing up for myself for, just about, the first time ever.
Eden sighed heavily, his jaw clenched and I knew I would be yelled at later. Right now however, I felt nothing but victory and I wasn't going to let him take that away from me. He stormed off, swinging open the gates and marching into the school grounds as other pupils began to arrive.
"I'm so proud of you!" Calum gushed, holding up a large hand for me to high five.
Once our palms collided his fingers locked with mine as he pulled me into his warm body for a hug.
"I mean it." His hot breath mumbled into my hair.
"It's because of you, you've helped me so much Calum." I thanked him, my face still pressed into his clothed chest.
We separated shortly afterwards, the first bell of the day preventing any further conversation from occurring.
"I promised Eden he could sit with us at break and lunch, is that alright?" I questioned as we began to follow Eden's earlier path into our school.
"I'm-I er, actually need to sort some things out today. But I'll meet you after school at the usual place yeah?"
"Yeah, do you want me to come with you to get your stuff for tonight?" I offered, secretly wanting to double check he actually asked if he could come round.
I had a feeling he would make up that his mother would have disallowed him from coming or something. Only because he wouldn't want to do anything that would benefit mine and Eden's 'relationship'. He wasn't exactly his number one fan.
The clock was sprinting forwards in time, everything seemed to be hurtling forwards today. It felt like two moments had past when in reality it had been two gruelling hours. I peered outside the small window in my classroom door for the millionth time that English lesson, just to estimate how long I'd have to sprint from this room to the ladies bathroom.

I could see the green door with the small women's figure on the front from here, meaning it would only take me seconds at most. I was sure to make a perfect getaway, at least I was until Ms Bowland, my English teacher, summoned me to see her at break.
"You're really excelling in my classes Miss Rovers." The elderly women dragged on long after the bell.

The fact I was doing well in English didn't come as a shock to me, I'd always flown through the lessons and often been congratulated by various teachers.
I nodded my head nonetheless in gratitude, to timid to actually say thank you to the alternative appearing lady.
She then continued just as all the previous teachers had done, telling me if I raised my hand, or just participated more, that I would then really let my true colours glow.
I simply responded with a nod, spinning around and heaving my bag over my shoulder, watching out the door for any sign of Eden.
When the coast showed itself to be clear I exited the room and made a break for the bathrooms. My eyes were focused on nothing but the door, sheer determination pumping through my body.
A sharp pain hit my upper arm as something harshly latched onto it, causing my rushed walking to come to an immediate halt. I sighed in defeat knowing I had missed my chance to escape this break long ago.
"Don't run from me Bailey, it will never work." Eden's voice pressed into me, sending shivers up my spine.
His grip on my arm tightened as he dragged me into the janitors closet, he double checked not a soul was around to see, before he slammed the door shut and span to face me.
His normally green eyes had darkened substantially, his chapped lips forming a frown and his eyebrows knotting together. He was filled with nothing but anger, that much was clear.
Within seconds he sprung forward, grasping both my shoulders in his large hands and spinning me around, slamming me into the door with such force that it shook momentarily.
My heart beat was flying out of control, it sounded as though it was trying to sprint away from the situation. My breathing was quick and unsteady. it was plain and simple, I was terrified.
He slammed me hard against the door once more, his fingernails digging into me and my back stinging in blistering pain.
"Do you think you can just go against what I say?" He growled, his voice strong and irritated.
I let out a strangled cry as he moved his left hand to clasp around my neck instead, before forcing me into the door yet again.
"Because you can't. I'm in charge, and what did I say to you?"
I was unable to answer, due to the lack if air in my lungs. He was allowing enough strength for me to stay conscious to hear what he had to stay, yet still enough that I could hardly breathe.
"I told you, very clearly, do not tell Calum!" His right arm that was currently forcing my arm into the door frame, came loose and slapped me across the face.
"Now I'm a nice guy Bailey, I'm reasonable. So I'm going to give you one last chance. Tonight after the party you better tell Calum how much you want to be with me. Tell him how good I make you feel princess, tell him everything." His voice slurred near the end before his grip tightened so I now couldn't breathe at all.
I gripped onto his palms, desperate to relieve some of the tightness I was feeling, but my head was to dizzy to make sense of anything. I felt him smash my head into the wall before he let me fall to the ground.
I took huge, gasping breaths as I desperately attempted to stay conscious and breathe again. My own hands flew to my swollen neck, rubbing the skin gently as I looked up at Eden in disgust and fear.
"Is that clear babe?" He purred, bending down so we were eye to eye.
I reluctantly nodded my head, his nodded own his head approvingly before shoving me out the way and exiting the closet, leaving me there in severe pain, wishing more than ever that I never fallen for those stupid letters.

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