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Baileys P.O.V.
The second bell erupted noisily, signifying that I was supposed to be in my lesson now. I quickened my pace into a jog, running to my classroom and opening the creaky door swiftly. I clumsily tumbled in, resulting in everyone looking up at me, snickering at my wet state.
"Ah, you must be Bailey. How nice of you to join us." The young brunette raised her eyebrows. "I guess we can let you off since it's your first day. Come here then." She gestured for me to come closer to her, to the front of the room.
"Why are you so wet dear?" She asked concerned, was I had come under the light into proper view.
I shrugged in reply, feeling very aware of the others pupils eyes watching my every move.
"She fell in a puddle, Mrs." Tom cleared his throat and answered for me.
"Is this true?" She quizzed thoughtfully.
I nodded again, actually glad that Tom had spoken up.
"Alright, let's sit you next to . . . Calum." She pointed at the only spare seat in the class, as the room whispered and giggled.
I didn't look at the boy I had been seated next to, I wasn't prepared for another rendition of break at all. I slid into my seat and took out my jet black pencil case as quiet as humanely possible.
I noticed the mysterious boy tense up as soon as I sat next to him causing me to panic. Did I smell? Had everyone been told about me being odd?
I eventually plucked up the courage to steel a glance at him whilst he was infatuated with the lesson and what our teacher was saying.
He was extremely attractive. His dark hair had little blonde highlights in and was slightly wavy. His smooth, tanned skin appeared flawless and he had deep brown eyes, he seemed Asian almost, but I couldn't be sure from the side view I had access too.
I watched as his chocolate pupils glanced towards me, without moving his head, and once coming into realisation that I was staring he let out an awkward cough, causing me to snap my face round immediately, my cheeks were in fire.
"Okay everyone this is work to be done in partners, feel free to chat to the person next to you." My teachers tranquil voice softly vibrated round the room.
Partner work, really? I had already spoken twice as much than I would of done in a month at my old school, and I was not prepared for any more.
The tiny impact of something hitting my head became apparent, resulting in my head to spin around to face the thrower. It was a girl I had seen at the water balloon incident, her devilish green eyes matched Klara's who was seated next to her.
They both burst into laughter and the ginger haired girl whispered something to Klara.
"Hey Bailey, do you enjoy maths?" Klara snickered, the question leading me to wonder how much Mrs Edge had told her about me.
I shrugged irritated with the annoying girls.
"So, what's eight times seven?" Her red lips tugged into a smirk, she definitely knew I sucked at math.
My palms became sweaty and I began playing with my fingers. I took a deep sigh before turning back round to face the front, I heard the pair snicker relentlessly at my stupidity, knowing they had found another of my weaknesses already.
My oblivious math teacher strolled by, passing me a sheet on her way.
"This is the worksheet for today." Her smile was a friendly one, which I was very thankful for. At least there was one kind person in this place.
"My name is Mrs Curly, by the way." She winked before wandering off to the next table.
All the other pairs chatted continuously, whereas Calum and I said nothing.
I felt bad that he was stuck with such a boring pair. He probably wished he was sat with his friends instead of me.
Klara's chair scraped across the floor as she stood up and wondered past me, her delicate hand reaching out and swatting my pencil case on the floor in the process.
I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour, before getting out of my seat and crouching down to pick up the insides of the black material.
My eyes came into contact with Calum's bag and my heart fluttered with joy.
His dark bag had badges of many bands scattered across, and he had very good music taste. A smile played at my lips at the fact we had something in common, before I heard more laughter and mutters of my name behind me.
This was going to be a long year.

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