*•Three words•*

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Bailey's P.O.V.
"Ashton please just tell me where we're going." I laughed as he pulled me behind him, my wrist tightly clasped my his long fingers.
He had come round my house and blindfolded me, saying he had a special surprise to cheer me up after the incident last week.
I had managed to avoid Calum this whole time, ditching maths to study it in the library instead. He kept trying to call me but I didn't want to talk. I was more than done talking to him. I had however spent a lot more time with Ash and he had become a very good friend.
We finally stopped walking as he released my hand. "And . . . Okay. Here we are." He lifted the fabric away from my eyelids revealing Calum sat on a swing in the park close by. The same swing set where we first properly had a conversation.
I turned around to face Ashton immediately, my excitement drained. Instead replaced by the aching hurt I had been feeling the entire week.
"Ash, no. I don't want to see him." I spoke sternly.
"Come on Bailey, just hear him out." He blocked me as I attempted to leave.
"I don't care what he has to say. I don't want to see him." I tried once more to dodge his guarding body, failing miserably as he grabbed ahold of my shoulders preventing me from
Moving altogether.
"You know you miss him." He raised his eyebrows, his voice more serious than I'd ever heard it.
I sighed, my head aching with all the thoughts crashing around. "Of course I miss him, but-"
"Then listen to what he has to say." He interrupted, giving my shoulders a squeeze. "You'll thank me later." He smiled.
I shook my head, still unsure and definitely swarming with nerves. "I don't know Ash . . ." I murmured, my chest feeling unbearably tight.
He sighed, staring into my stubborn eyes. "Okay, if you're still unhappy after this, I will be your slave for the day. The week even." He compromised.
I hesitated, thinking it over for a while. ". . . Fine, whatever. But first job as slave is doing my homework." I grinned, but was soon frowning again once I turned around to see Calum watching over us nervously.
Taking a deep breath, I slowly made my way over to him, opening the gate and going over, sitting on the swing as he watched my every move.
"Thank god." He breathed out quietly. "For a minute I didn't think you were going to come over." He sighed, rubbing his forehead.
I pushed out the breath I didn't realise I was holding, gripping on even tighter to the chains of the swing, the overpowering smell of iron filling my nostrils. "For a minute, I didn't think I was either." I shrugged quietly.
I could feel his eyes drinking me up as I stared ahead, my eyes focused only on the ground. "Look Bailey, I'm so sorry, you know how sorry I am. I've been a total jerk and if you come with me I can hopefully make it up to you." He stood up, holding out his hand which I declined.
I stood up myself and walked next to him as he awkwardly placed his hand back down by his side.
We walked for a while in an uncomfortable silence before he asked me to close my eyes.
I obliged, letting him take my hand this time as he lead me somewhere new.
"Okay, so um, you can open them now." Mumbled anxiously and I knew he was rubbing the back of his neck.
I opened my eyes to see a blushing Calum, before I turned around to see the sweetest thing. He had set up big, plush cushion seats, buckets of warm and salty smelling popcorn and a mini cinema screen. It was all so perfect.
"Calum . . ." I breathed out, speechless.
He winced, his eyes full of fear. "I'm sorry if it's too much, I just I didn't know how to apologise an-"
"No, no!" I shook my head, struggling to get my words out as my throat grew tight and my eyes watered over.
"Oh god, you're crying. I'm sorry. This was dumb. I'm dumb, I'm sorry I-"
I shook my head, cutting him off. "Calum, I'm crying because I'm happy you idiot. Nobody's ever put the effort into me like this." I admitted, truth being that before him, nobody put any effort into me at all.
He grinned at his feet before looking back up to me and cautiously taking a step closer.
"So yes, I kissed Klara." He began, reminding me why I was mad and causing an icy barrier to form inside of me once more. "But she had me tied onto the chair and she sat onto my lap. I never had a say in the situation. It's not what I wanted to happen I swear. You know how much I hate her, I didn't feel a thing." He promised, his eyes burning into me so hard, it was almost painful.
I swallowed hard. "So, you didn't kiss her back then?" I pushed out, all the emotions from this week flooding back over me.
He looked ashamed fiddling with his hands as I awaited his reply.
"I . . . I wanted to hurt you back after seeing those pictures of you and Ashton." He muttered.
"Right." I said flatly, Spinning on my heel, all intentions on leaving to go back to my bed.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, his eyes begging for me to stay as his palm remained locked around the bone. "I know I've messed up, like really, really messed up, but I miss you so much. I really want you to be in my life Bailey." He begged, his tone seeping with desperation and need.
I hesitated for a moment, keeping his eye contact. "I want you to be in mine too." I eventually admitted, half wishing that it wasn't the truth.
He grinned with what seemed to be a mixture of relief and happiness before he moved his grip from my wrist to holding my hand, taking both of them in his.
"I . . ." He began before breaking into a nervous chuckle. "I've never really been good at all this I'm sorry." He trailed off, his whole neck and face burning up as he looked down at the ground nervously.
I squeezed his hands, hopefully in a reassuring manner. "Good at what?" I asked, gently, confused as to what he meant.
He looked back up, determined to say what he needed to say. "You know, this whole 'boy girl' thing." He gave a small chuckle and I smiled as my heart warmed. He was so sweet. "All I know is that I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I know I've been a total dick and I don't deserve you, but do you think that we could try again?"
I nodded slowly, my stomach was dancing about and my heart rate had zoomed up sky high. He grinned back at me, full of relief before his expression fell back to a serious one.
"I mean it that I've never felt this way about anybody Bailey, I think . . ." I watched with anticipation as he took a deep breath, his cheeks glowing beetroot. "I think that I might love you-no wait, I know I love you, I'm in love with you Bailey, I've been in love with you this whole damn time." His cheeks grew redder and redder with embarrassment as my insides turned to mush.
"I love you too Calum." I beamed.
"Don't say it if you don't mean it, I can wait. I just wanted you to know." He squeezed my hands and stepped closer.
"I mean it." I whispered looking up into his dark brown eyes meaningfully, because I did mean it. I loved him more than anything. He leant in and pressed our lips together.
He moved his hands to wrap around my body, pulling us closer together as I felt like I was going to pass out, I loved him. I'm in love and it feels amazing.
When we finally pulled apart, it took a few moments to get our breath back. He gave me the biggest goofy grin before taking a step back.
"Wait here a minute." He held out his hands to signal for me to stop moving.
Calum disappeared out of sight, coming back seconds later with his hand behind his back.
"I er, I read online that girls really like flowers so I brought you these." He bit his lip nervously handing me the most beautiful bouquet of roses.
"I wasn't sure which ones to get and I don't know if-" I cut him of with a short kiss.
"They're perfect, all of this is perfect." I looked around once more at the movie set up.
He grinned, his cheeks still rosy red.
"So, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?"
"Only if you'll be my boyfriend."
"Smooth." He chuckled, as I blushed at my unintended cheesiness.
"So you wanna watch this movie now?" He held his hand out, leading me to the cushion sofa as we snuggled down to watch the film.

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