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The next morning Gayu asked Naira to come mall with her as she wanted to buy some dresses for her wedding and also she wanted to meet Rohan.
Naira at first showing discomfort said:   "you can go na why you need me".
"I know but my parents won't allow me you know na please," Gayu requested her.

She was denying because she knew that Kartik would be there too she didn't wanted to face him after what happened yesterday. She didn't tell about what happened as she didn't wanted to make situations awkward. She agreed as Gayu was insisting her and she didn't wanted Gayu to know the reason .......so she agreed.

They went to mall and after a few minutes Kartik and Rohan came too. Naira ignored Kartik. Kartik greeted her but she didn't replied, he felt insulted.

Later, Rohan and Gayu went to shop some stuff while Kartik and Naira were looking out dresses. In the mean time, a girl came. She huggged and gave a kiss on Kartik's cheeks. Kartik too responded to that.
Naira was making disgusted faces seeing that.

"Oh, you got a new girl, huh? You cheated on me", that girl said pointing towards Naira.
"Oh! No, how can I date someone like her, I mean just look at her," Kartik said while smirking at Naira.

Then they both went from there. Naira was hell angry she would have break his face but he didn't even gave her a chance to say something.

And that girl was Nisha, she's Kartik's childhood friend. And for everyone they're dating but for Kartik it's just a mere attraction while Nisha has lust for Kartik's money.

When everyone was done from shopping they buy ice creams and went out of the mall. When Kartik was about to open the door of care having a cone of ice cream in his hands, Naira pushed him and his face dipped in ice cream. He got icecream on his cheeks and on a slight part of hairs.
Everyone was laughing and the most louder laughter was of Naira. When he looked at Naira in anger, Naira smirked which made Kartik more angry. They all left.

The whole time Kartik was thinking of his insult. He was looking up to a chance to take revenge from her that would be much of what she did.

On the other side, Naira was feeling satisfied as she insulted Kartik. At this point they both hates each other.

The next morning Kartik and Naira are in the same book shop as they came to buy some stuff. They didn't realized that they're in the same shop as long as they bumped into each other at the entrance while leaving. Kartik pushed Naira and she bumped into the door. She hurted her left arm.

"You moron! Stop right there", she shouted
Kartik: "you better be careful next time, you don't know what can I do! "

Naira was in pain as she was hit in door. But Kartik didn't realized.

Naira then took a cab and went home.

Precap:Kartik left Naira at a creepy place later she fell unconscious.

That's all for today. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this.
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