Forever together

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Leap of two months,

Kaira are happy in their lifes. Kartik has recently joined the family business.

Naira woke up rubbing her eyes when she didn't felt Kartik she looked to the other side and found the bed empty. Then she looked at the headboard of bed, she saw a note there as it was Kartik's habit to leave a note there whenever he had somework or if they had a fight.

She took that note and read: "Good Morning, Biwi. Got some work, you were sleeping peacefully didn't wake you up. I'll be back till evening. I know you're mad at me but I'll compensate it, okay? I love you."

She smiled reading that note and he always compensates by taking her out but not before all her tantrums and running behind her, when she made him run the whole house. They still fight over little things, but the thing that is changed is that they love each other more than yesterday.

Naira is very happy with Kartik's family. They always treats her as their daughter. They all live like happy loving family. The love Naira didn't get her life, got in these two months.

She put that note aside, when her phone started ringing. She already knew who it was.

She answered the call.

"Hey, I know you must be very angry but trust me I just got some work, I'm sorry. I promise I'll take you out and we'll drink slush, okay?"

Naira: Why you always have to disappear in mornings?
Kartik: Sorry na baby.
Naira: Okay but last time.
Kartik: Thankyou and now c'mon get up, I've already hanged your clothes in washroom, go and fresh up. Then have your breakfast. Please eat properly, your hot chocolate is in microwave.
Naira: Ughh, Kartik why do you always repeat the same thing every day? I know everything.
Kartik: No, you don't know anything. You don't do anything properly. Now go.
Naira: Hufff! Okay, bye.
Kartik: Kya bye? Itni important baat toh kehni reh gayi.
Naira: Kya?
Kartik: I love you.

She giggled.

Kartik: Now answer me.
Naira: I hate you too.
Kartik: Ahhh! Fine with me.
Naira: Okay now concentrate on your work.
Kartik: Hmm..bye.
Naira: Bye.

With this, she ended the call and went to washroom and saw her clothes already there, she smiled at Kartik's care.

After getting ready, she went downstairs and saw Dadi sitting living room. She went, hugged her and pecked her cheek.

Naira: Good Morning, Dadi.
Dadi: Good Morning, Beta. She said and kissed her forehead.

She went to dinning table and sat on her chair.

Naira: Mumma, breakfast. She shouted.
Swarna: La rahi hun beta. Swarna said and served her breakfast.

Naira: Thank you, Mumma. She said and kissed her cheek.

Swarna in return, cupped her face and lovingly and left.

After having her breakfast, she spend some time with Gayu and Swarna.

Now it was evening,

She was standing in balcony of their room, when someone backhugged her and twirled her in air.

Naira: Ahh!! Kartik leave, main gir jaun gi.
Kartik: Don't worry, baby I won't let you fall.

After sometime, he left her and made her stand on her feet.

Naira: Pagal ho? She said huffing.

He opened his mouth to say something but she interrupted.

Naira: Chup! Ab agar tumne phir se wo pick up line mari na toh phir dekhna.

He held her waist and pulled her closer.

Kartik: Kya dekhun?
Main toh dekhna chahta hun lekin tum dikhati hi nai. He whispered in her ears.

She pushed him.

"Badtameez" she murmured.

Naira: Come downstairs, you must be hungry and I'm starving too.

She was about to step out of the room when he slammed the door shut and push her against it.

Kartik: Don't play with me. He whispered menacingly.
You know what I want. His eyes glittered darkly. And I'm not hungry, I'm starving actually. I want to eat something. He looked at her lips. Or rather someone.

Naira: I'm not getting you, now let me go. She tried to free herself but she knew he not gonna leave her until he get what he wants.

Kartik: You know what I want.

She shook her head.

He growled.

Kartik: Stop now and give me.

When she didn't move, he again growled: Naira.

Naira: Okay. Okay. But first let's have dinner.
Kartik: No, he roared. Last night you did the same, in the morning I got some work, don't test my patience.
He leaned to her ear. You don't want to see my dark side, do you?

Naira: Okay, later.
Kartik: I want one, right now!

He leaned closer to lips and the door knocked.

She gasped and separate herself.

"Naira, Kartik, come have dinner" Swarna said.

"Coming, mumma!" Naira shouted.

She looked at Kartik who was looking all desperate.

She giggled and kissed the corner of his mouth and left instantly. This made him more desperate. He growled loudly and went downstairs.


Naira changed to her night suit and went out of washroom. As soon she stepped out of washroom, she was slammed against the door.

Naira: Kartik tum-

She couldn't even complete her sentence when he slammed his lips against her. His kiss was fast, full of urgency, hunger and desire. Naira tried to match his pace but he was way too fast.

After what felt like forever, he broke the kiss. He joined his forehead with her, panting heavily.

She pushed him.

Naira: Pagal ho. She said huffing, still catching her breath.

He picked her in his arms.

Kartik: The night has just started. He placed her carefully on the bed and hovered over her. And I just started loving you.

He took her to the peaks of pleasure, she never imagined, existed.

And as he said, the night has just started.

Only 1 chapter left for this story, the next is the last chapter.
But don't worry I've some other plans for you, stay tuned!❤

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