I trust you

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They then ordered the desserts. Naira excused herself for washroom.
Kartik also excused himself.

She was dragged harshly by him to some back garden location (imagine some kinda location)

He pinned her to the wall.

NAIRA: Kartik, kya kar rahy ho? Koi aa jaye ga.
KARTIK: Koi nai ayega.

He leaned towards her lips but she pushed him.

NAIRA: Kartik, please abhi nai.

When she wasn't agreeing, he forcefully kissed her. He was kissing her roughly. She didn't respond.

She was not getting why he was being so desperate and kissing her harshly. He never did that before without her consent even he had always been gentle to her. This time, it was change.

There, he was jealous, the fact he wasn't ready to accept but that feeling never left him. It remained with him and led him to this situation.

He himself wasn't realizing what he is doing. Rather than talking to her, he was pouring all his frustration on her.

He atlast left her lips and attacked her lips. She was feeling strange. She never stopped him from doing anything. But this time, she was feeling a change in him, a change in his touch.

He didn't realized that he was harsh on her. He was hurting her but the jealously took over his senses.

Sometimes jealousy is a very sweet gesture but sometimes being possessive leds you out of your sense. That was the same thing happening to Kartik. He was being possessive, it wasn't entirely his fault. He never felt this before. He never cared. But this time he cared about her, he cares for her thus he was being possessive.

She tries to push him but he was being adamant.

NAIRA: Kartik, choro please.

She continued struggling but he was too strong for her.

NAIRA: Kartik, you're hurting me.

These words from her mouth and he stopped his actions.
He wished he never did that. He wished he never thought that. A second before it was right and a second after he didn't had the courage to look at her.

Without meeting eyes with her, he quietly left from there. It wasn't like he left because he was angry but he left because he was guilty more ashamed of his act.

There, Naira standing tears streaming down her cheeks not because Kartik misbehaved with her but because he left from there like he haven't done anything wrong.

She didn't knew that why he did this, why he left her there. She wasn't angry but was hurt that he didn't stopped for her, he didn't looked at her. He somewhere hurt her but didn't realized.

Naira went to washroom to correct herself.
She was completely unknown to Kartik's feelings. She didn't even knew that Kartik was being jealous. She was hurt deep inside.

There, Kartik was pouring cold water on his face to gain sense. The guilt was taking over him. How could he hurt her? How could he forced himself on her?

Naira came out of washroom and went towards their table.

NAIRA: I'm not feeling well. Can we leave?
ROHAN: Yeah sure. Can you wait a little more for desserts?
NAIRA: No, I'm feeling really low.
GAYU: Okay you take Kabir with you. Hum desserts pack karwa k le ayein gy.

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