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Welcome back everyone to the sequel to 'Memory of the Past Future'. This is set at the same time of the Epilogue; the next chapter is when things get started. I'm going to do my best to have a flowing story this time around with half as much editing.

I've taken all those who gave me a suggestion for a character and chose some so apologies if they do not act like you describe them. At the end of each chapter I will put who the OC belongs to and later on I will put pictures at the end for you guys to see what they look like. Again, apologies if they do not look exactly like you want them.

Edit: 4/27/20
I forgot Wither the first time, ops


(In the Nether)

A girl with dark brown hair walk down the halls of the Nether castle. She was making her way to the meeting room where the Nether King himself requested for her presence along with the others. She could fly seeing that she has a set of wings but wished to explore the Nether a bit. It was not often Herobrine would request her presence without coming to her in person.

(I'm calling Herobrine, Hero with Brine is a species, his name would have been Brine if not for Skybrine.)

At first, she thought nothing of Hero asking for her, but that was until she heard the roar of the Ender Dragon moments earlier a bit after she arrived. Never had she heard the King of The End, or Ender, come at this time of month unless it was urgent.

Another thing that was odd was the mobs spoke of the Forgotten Heir of The End or someone like that arriving. Apparently, the king never summons her unless it was really important. Otherwise, she comes and goes as she pleases. The brunette never heard of another heir of the End besides Ender, but he is the king. Not wanting to get a headache thinking about it, the black/white winged girl continued onwards.

Soon enough, the girl reached the door that lead to her destination. Before she could reach for the doorknob, she halted in her movements when she felt an unknown presence behind her. She was about to draw one of her hidden knives, but then felt the blade of a scythe barely touching her dark brown hair.

"Who are you?" The person, a female, asked.

The girl did not answer, instead she ducked down, spun around while drawing one her knives; however, that move did not work on this particular person. In the seconds that the brunette took to stand up, the scythe was known in front of her throat once again stopping her from moving. At least this time she could see her attacker: a mix with purple and black clothing, light purple hair that created a shadow which covered her eyes and a jade pendant that hangs around her neck.

"I don't like to repeat myself" The purplenette said with an even tone of voice with a bit of threatening mixed in.

The winged girl decided to speak, "I am Vana the Devilish Angel, I was requested by the Nether King himself. Now can you remove your weapon from me?"

The other mumbled something that Vana did hear.

"What did you-"

"Hey Vana!"

Vana turned her head to see the person who called her name to see it was Entity 303. When she turned back to the purplenette, she was gone.

Entity walk up to Vana, "There you are, Hero's been looking for you. Is something wrong?"

Vana shook her head, "No, I'm fine. Let us see what Hero wants"

"Led the way angel" Entity winked.

(Entity is a flirt to everyone to let you know)

Vana just rolled her eyes and opened the door.

Inside was a shadow entity, Null; the king of the End, Ender; a wither skeleton with pure black wings, Wither; the king of the Nether, Herobrine; and-

Memory of the Future (Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now