Side Chapter 5

208 3 76

Edited: 5/15/20
Nothing new or important


Echo opened her eyes to see she was in a place filled with darkness as she look around, memories of what had occurred returned to her: before and after the arrow pierced her shoulder that had reverted her back to her human self. The self that had chosen the path of darkness decades ago and should have been erased over the years.

"Where am I?" The use to be Ender asked herself. She then looks down at her appearance, no longer she wore her signature black and purple combination of clothing. Now she wears an oversize black jacket over a blue shirt and baggie jeans, when she was a child, she was smaller compared to the others. No longer her hair was purple with faded black, instead it was dark brown. And if memory serves her correctly, her eyes are hazel or green, but that will not be known until she gets to a mirror.

"I see that you're awake"

Turning around, Echo saw Abyssal and glared at him.

"What is the purpose of you reverting me back to a human? And do not lie, you may have taken advantage of my memories of an Ender being blank, but you can't do that again." Echo growled. Out of curiosity, she tried to summon her scythe only to find she couldn't.

Abyssal frowned, "I thought that potion would have wiped your memory for a longer period of time"

Echo crossed her arms, "You can't forget what has been forgotten. No matter the portion or any type of curse or blessing or anything, my curse will always have the upper hand"

As much as Echo's hates it, her curse actually saved her from the memory block, who knows what Abyssal would have done if she did not remember.

He let out a small chuckle, "Of course, it wasn't my intention to erase your memories Echo, in fact, the potion was to revert you back to human so you can make your choice"


"Yes, the choice you made at the age of fourteen: the path to the light or the path to the darkness."

"Why? I made my choice long ago and I never regret it" Echo said then walked away.

"And where are you going?" Abyssal asked.

"To find my brother and master. I've chosen my side, now leave me be"

"You do know if you've chosen the path of light, you would not become a human, right?"

This made the human stop, but she did not turn. He took this opportunity to try to influence the girl even more.

"You a rare one Echo, one who was an even amount of light and darkness. The darkness turns you into an Ender, the light turns you into an angel"

"If anything, I'm a fallen one" Echo said before continue walking.

Becoming an angel was a rare thing for hybrids to become as they must be pure and have a heart of gold once they reach the choosing date. However, due to corruption all around, both requirements were a rare thing to come by. Someone who can become an angel yet choses the darkness becomes a fallen, but they do have the option to switch if they wish with little consequence.

The next thing Echo knew was someone wrapping their arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides, then picked her up off the ground.

'Why must I be short?' Echo thought as she struggled in her captures hold.

"Good timing Teal" Abyssal smiled then turned his attention to his angel and pulled out a white orb, "Now, my angel, I wasn't asking you to come to the light, I was telling you"

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