Side Chapter 3

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Okay, everything should be in line with each other after the next side chapter then I will get back to the Steve Saga portion.

Edited: 5/14/20
Nothing new or important


"Don't touch my sister!"

Every creature in the room froze at Ender's words. Entity let go of the girl out of shock and she fell to the floor, cowering in fear of The End King. Herobrine was the first to snap out of his shock and took a step towards the dragon who growled. If anyone did their research on dragons, they are extremely protective of their family and mate. Since Ender has yet to find his mate, every protective instinct he has is all for Echo as she is his only family he truly cares about.

"Ender, listen, that girl is human. Echo is an Ender, not human." Herobrine tried to reason and took another step forward.

"Yeah dragon, that girl is human" Entity spoke, "how do you expect us to believe that this girl is-"

The dragon stepped in front of the girl, "Sister is not a full Ender, the light still has a grasp on her"

Silence spread through the room, realization had settled in the girl's magically appearance and Echo's sudden absence. The girl is Echo, but her human self.


(In between)

Abyssal let out a chuckle gaining the attention of his servants.

"Master, is everything alright" The person in blue asked.

"Everything is going perfectly" Abyssal grinned, "The potion worked so wonderful"

"Potion?" The girl in green asked.

"The potion that turned the Heir of the End back to her equal form: light and dark."

Everyone was confused, but they did not have time to question it as their master began to speak again.

"Time to get my angel" Abyssal then look at his three servants, "Jade, look for Grey, there is a chance for him to revert back if the shadows get to him"

"Yes Master" They said before teleporting away.

"Black, look after those four and Teal, get ready for my return with my angel"

"Yes Master" Both bow then watch as their master teleports away.



"H-How can that human be Echo?" Vana asked breaking the silence.

Like everyone else, she thought Echo was a full Ender, but her to be a mix between a human and the End King is just surprising. It was not frowned upon by no means, just humans should not inherit such power because, in some case, humans do go mad.

Ender turned to his sister or who is supposed to be her, "Sister, what had happened to you?"

"Sister? Who are you calling that?" Echo asked as she backed away from everyone, "And how do all of you know my name? Where's my mom?"

"You don't r-remember me?" Ender asked, those close to the Ender Dragon looked at him with worry. Only his sister brought out this side of him.

"Ender, when you mean the light still has a grasp on her, you don't mean..." Herobrine trailed off when his question was answered by a nod of the head.

"What does that mean? The light still has a grasp on Echo?" Eclipse asked.

Herobrine started to explain (here is a summary of it)

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