Side Chapter 6

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Also, try to guess the reference(s).
Another, who should Rainbow be paired with? If it's an OC, I will literally put them in the next chapter or two, pls help.

Edited: 5/15/20
Nothing new or importan


(In the Nether)

Everyone gathered around Ender who stopped screaming but is still curled in a ball with tears streaming down his face. Those who lived in the Nether tried to see what happened to the dragon, but he said nothing. Vana then noticed about the other dragon.

"Allen, what are you crying?"

Allen looks up, his bright blue eyes seemed to have darkened in color, as though a part of his spirit had been broken.

"The heir, Echo" Allen said before falling to his knees and sobbed into his hands, "is gone"

Like the rest of the dragons, Allen is connected to the king of dragons, connected to his emotions. The Ather dragon then moved Ender's hair to reveal a now black collar that was crack then slide one of his sleeves up to reveal a bracelet in the same condition. Both used to be light green just like Echo's necklace and hair clip. The objects gave the Ender siblings access to emotions that they lost at a young age. They were green due to the primary trait in their soul while they were human, or in Ender's case, something he picked up from his sister when he was younger.

The whole room became silent, the news of Echo death sent an arrow in all their hearts, all but one.

"She's not dead, Ender would be in a worse state, he would be the Ender before he met Echo " Wither said, then muttered, "and I..."

"What was that?" Herobrine asks.

Wither shook his head, "Nothing"

"I think we should take Ender back to The End" Notch suggested, "He'll be better off in his realm"

"I'll take him, I know my way around The End"" Allen volunteered then looked down to the Ender Dragon, "I mean if it is okay with you my lord"

Ender said nothing as he stood up next to Allen who wrapped his tail around the saddened king's.

The kings nodded and opened a portal to The End for the dragons to pass through. Once they left, Notch said he had to leave, but would keep an eye out for Echo or anything suspicious. Now that all remains were Herobrine, Vana and Wither. Eclipse had to take Entity outside for some air because he was going into chaotic mode. Herobrine signed, things were getting out of hand and with all his power as a god, he felt useless. He lost his younger brother, he lost someone he considered a sister, he's losing his best friend, what will he lose next?

Sensing the Brine's stress, Vana put a comforting hand on his arm, feeling the warmth that the Nether King always had, and suggested for them to take a walk. Herobrine thought against it, but with one look in the Devilish Angel's ocean eyes, he could not decline. Watching the future couple walk away, Wither's frown deepened as he played with something in his pocket.

"What has happened to you Echo? I thought you said we would be able to have peace, that we would be able to live a normal-ish life" Wither signed, "Would this happened if you stayed with them?"



Mind picked up Dragon, telling the girls to look for the nearest town on his map, luckily, it was just beyond a hill. Luna and Kate ran ahead to find someone to help the youngest of their group who was thrashing in Mind's arms. A few minutes they entered the town, the oldest lost sight of the two when he stopped to readjust Dragon in his arms.

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