Chapter 2

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There is reference about something that happened in here that I did earlier in one of my other books.
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Edit: 4/29/2020


A knock was heard outside of a room followed by a voice that called out to the residents of the room.

"Sabre, Lucas, I'm coming in" The person said before they opened the door.

The person was none other than Scarlet Rouge, guardian or aunt to Sabre and Lucas. She took in the boys after their parents passed when they were around 12 and raised them since. Most people were wary of a woman who hated men to adopt two boys, but the red head would not take no for an answer and did everything in order to get the boys. Eventually she got them as the men in the village did not want her to have another reason to hate them.

Within the room was a large closet, a bookshelf and two nightstands, one for each bed in the room. There was supposed to be one person in each bed as well; however, one bed was perfectly made up while the other had a large lump. Knowing full and well what happened, Rouge smiled as she walked over to the lump and pulled the covers off to reveal a blonde and a brunette cuddling with each other. Lucas had his arms wrapped around Sabre who was snuggled in his chest.

Letting a rare smile spread across her face, Rouge shook Lucas who tightened his hold on Sabre, but woke up due to him being a light sleeper.

"Aunty Rouge?" Lucas muttered looking into his aunt's scarlet eyes.

"Morning Lu, it's time to get up"

"M'kay" Lucas said then shook his cuddle buddy, "Come on Sabe, time to get up"

Feeling a nod, Lucas told Rouge that they will be done soon. Kissing Lucas' forehead and ruffling Sabre's hair, Rouge went out their room and close the door behind her.

"She's gone Sabre" Lucas said sitting up and grabbed the black bandanna on Sabre's nightstand and gave it to his cousin, well brother now.

"Thanks Lucas" Sabre smiled and put on his bandanna.

The boys then got up and did their morning route. It was odd to some people that they shared the same room after all this time, there was an unoccupied room that Rouge offered for one of them to sleep in so they can have their own room. However, they refused as they wanted to sleep in the same room and sometimes the same bed. As odd as it is, they had a very good reason: fear of separation. Sabre and Lucas have been together since they were nine and have not left each other's side.

"What happened last night?" Sabre asked.

Lucas let out a sign, "I had a nightmare"

"The same one?" Sabre frowned.

Ever since they could remember, Lucas had a recurring nightmare once every three months since they lost their parents and then generally increased as time goes by. After the incident, the same nightmare appears about once or twice a week.

"Yeah, it always end up seeming as though it's just a dream inside a dream. Do you think aunty notices?"

"I would be surprised if she hasn't, I mean usually I'm in your bed, but I think that's one of the things she's giving us space on."

"I guess so" Lucas signed then shook his head, "Come on, aunty might be wondering what's taking us so long"

Smiling, both boys went out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen where they were met with an awful sight. Rouge was the best parental figure out there, but when it came to cook, well, Sabre draws the line.

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