Side Chapter 4

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This is an all OC chapter. Also, I've been reading some parental Roy/child Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist (it's a good anime and I recommend watching it) so that is where some of these ideas came from. Sorry. Also, sorry if any of your characters are not as you wish them to be.

One more thing, anyone want to guess Luna's boyfriend?

Edited: 5/5/20
Nothing new/important


Elsewhere in the world, a group of four walk through a snowy tundra biome. One was further ahead than the others as he was looking at the compass and map in his hands. Somehow, he knew were to step to avoid falling into a cave or lava or water. He is a Steve names Mind, who lives to explore since he was a young one with no destination, but now he has a destination after a letter from his mom before her passing. At first, he was going to go alone, unfortunately, the three he found during his journey insist on coming with him. Behind Mind were two girls and one young boy.

The oldest of them is a human girl named Kate who Mind met after helping her defend her village. She decided to join after learning neither Mind nor the young boy he had with him knew any combat skills and wanted to protect the duo. Besides, she wanted to explore the world.

The other one is Luna, half Steve half human, she has unique powers and does not really get along with anyone but Mind. The only reason she got along with Mind was because he use to babysit her when they were younger, before Mind started his journey. Luna was actually the one who gave Mind the letter as a favor from his mom when she passed through her village. Afterwards the black-haired girl started to travel with trio especially since they were traveling to where her boyfriend lives.

Finally, the youngest and the first companion of Mind is a young Blue Steve named Dragon. Mind had found the thirteen-year-old almost eight years ago in a blizzard. Since then the young boy became very attached to Mind as much as the stuff dragon toy he had since the older Steve found him.

"Daddy, can we rest?"

And with that attachment, Dragon declared Mind as his dad, not that the older mind after years of being called that. So better to go along with it than to continue to get frustrated repeatedly.

"Dad, there's a cave over there" Luna pointed out.

Within six years, Mind had become a father for three teenagers.

"Alright, the sun is setting soon anyways" Mind then signed as he watch Kate and Dragon ran for the cave. Since neither was accustom to the cold, they were relieved that the grey-haired Steve said that.

When Luna and Mind walked into the cave, Kate had started a fire while Dragon played with his toy.

"Who's up for rabbit stew?" Luna asked.

Everyone but Mind said 'I'.

"Daddy, you need to eat" Dragon whined, pulling on Mind's sleeve.

"I'm not hungry"

Dragon pouted then gave his dad the puppy eyes, "Please"

Knowing that he had no chance against the youngest Steve, Mind signed in defeat. The two males sat with the others and started to eat.

"How much longer till we reach our destination?" Luna asked.

"Can't wait to see your boyfriend, Luna?" Kate smirk.

Luna glared at the golden eyed girl, "Don't forget what I can do to you"

Though both girls get along with Mind and Dragon, they don't get along with each other much. Especially with Kate teasing Luna about her boyfriend.

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