Chapter 12

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New characters will be introduced, and I think you're going to like them.


Shadow smiled as he ran after his cousin who was leading them to the cave he found. Now that it is later in the morning, the older of the duo was wide awake and the thirst of adventure filled his veins. He could not remember the last time he went out, well he did, it was to look for Sabre for his grandpa and dad during the conflict between the Steves, and Rift and Cliff. Even after four years, Shadow still has nightmares of those events. Seeing people hurt and almost dying along the rage and destruction his grandfather, dad and uncles can do terrifies him and haunts his dreams. He has not told anyone, not even his mom who comforts him when he finds his wide awake and terrified.

Shadow was raised with barely any attention from his grandpa, dad or godfather and he started to fear it once everyone started to give him something he wished for when he was basically born. Believing that he will be seen as weak, Shadow never admitted his night terrors and made his mom promise not to tell anyone.

"Hey Shade!"

"Yes Silv?" Shadow answered, breaking away from his thoughts.

"We're here" Silver smiled and pointed to the entrance of a cave then gave Shadow a sheepish look, "Got any torches?"

The older signed and gave his unprepared cousin a torch then gave himself one.

"What would you do without me?" Shadow joked.

Silver chuckled. He did not give his cousin an answer becasue he did not know how to. Shadow made him feel different. Silver felt as though without the slightly older boy in his life then his life was pretty much nothing. He could not imagine his life without Shadow, the boy who let him feel as though he did not need to be careful or worry about messing up.

"Silv?" Shadow said, putting his hand on Silver's shoulder, "Silver!"

"What?" Silver asked.

"You spaced out, are you okay?" Worry filled Shadow's hazel eyes.

The younger shook his head then kissed Shadow's head to reassure him, a habit he picked up from his dad when he comforts his mom. Shadow smiled then both him and Silver entered the cave, which did not look like an ordinary cave.

"Um, when did caves have stone bricks?" Silver ask, "And when do they split in different directions?"

(Can you guess where they are?)

Shadow ran his unused hand along the wall as they walk further down the hall, "Never"

"Guess this a dungeon or something" Silver suggested looking around.

Shadow hummed then asked, "Hey Silver, I was wondering, why have you been angry lately?"

The Steve let out a sign, "It's nothing Shadow, I'm just been easily angered lately"

"Are you sure?"

Silver stopped, making Shadow bump into him, and quickly apologized.

Turning around, Silver smiled down softly at the smaller, "It's fine Shadow"

Then he did something unexpected yet expected; Silver pulled Shadow into hug and nuzzled his head in Shadow's dark hair. The older's scent always calmed him down along with hugging him; it helps every time he got upset. Shadow, as said before is used to Silver's actions, hug the younger back.

"Shadow, don't worry about me"

"It's my job as someone older to look after you" Shadow reasoned, "And you're family; family worry and look after each other"

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