Chapter 5

348 6 63

Edited: 5/14/20
Nothing new/important


By now everyone was awake, and most were in the dining room either eating or chatting happily with each other. It was an average morning until.

(I never argued with my parents so IDK how this will go)

"Why can't I go?!" Everyone turned their attention to Silver who was shouting at his dad.

"Because I said so! I do not want you to go there! That is final!" Vi shouted getting really irritated at his son.

"What's with you two?" Plague finally asked.

Silver scoffed, "Dad won't let me go to the cave I found"

"Because it's dangerous!"

"So what?! You, mom, and everyone else here did something dangerous! Why can't I?!"

(Yes, Light is officially called mom)

Now you must be wondering where is Light in all this, well him, Reverse, Lucas, and Sabre decided to out to get more food and supplies since they were, they first ones up. Back to the father-and-son: Vi and Silver glared daggers at each other, and no one else said anything in case it might trigger something.

"I just want to keep you safe! Can't you see that?!" Vi growled.

"What if I don't care!" Silver growled, "I don't care what you say or anyone else! I'm going to that temple and that's final!"

"Well I do and so does everyone else here Silver! You are not going!"

Before Silver could argue back, Nightmare slammed his hands on the table making his grandson and son-in-law shut up fast.

"Enough, both of you" Nightmare glared at the two, "Vi, I know you want to keep Silver safe, but give the boy some room. Silver, your dad just wants to keep you safe so don't be angry at him"

Vi nodded and seemed to calm down, but Silver just grew angrier.

"So, you're taking his side!"

"I'm not taking anyone's side Silver" Nightmare said a bit surprise his grandson thought this. How he missed how the youngest of the family would act.

"Yes, you are!" Silver screamed, "I'm not a baby and don't need a babysitter"

"Don't talk to your grandfather like that!" Vi glared.

"Whatever" Silver rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Shadow walk over and tug on his cousin's shirt getting Silver to look down at the shorter boy.

"Silv, stop" Shadow pleaded.

Silver sighed and uncrossed his arms.

Offering him a smile, Shadow suggested, "If it helps, I'll go with you so you can do your thing and I'll be there just in case"

Shadow glanced over to his dad who nodded. Dark was happy to see his son trying to avoid conflict unlike his excuse of a mom who went for it every time. The tension in the room faded slowly once Shadow said this as well as Silver's anger. Everyone, except for Light, the two humans and Shadow, noticed that the youngest Steve never started an argument or stayed angry at Shadow. Over the years, Silver had argued and fought with everybody in his family except for Light and Shadow for some reason. Sabre and Lucas were also exempted.

"I could live with that" Vi signed knowing that it was either that or Silver sneaking off once again.

"Good because that's what we're going to do" Silver went over to Shadow and started to drag him out of the room.

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