Chapter 6 Events

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Edited: 5/15/20
I never noticed how short this was, I'm ashamed of this chapter.


(Near the beginning of chapter 6)

The girl watched as the white Steve run off until he was no longer in her sight before she turned back to the two adults.

"Dear, are you okay?" Her 'mom' asked.

"Just fine" The girl smiled, "but I think it's time to part ways."

"Pumpkin, what do you mean?" Her 'dad' asked confused.

Suddenly, the three of them were teleport to a place where darkness seemed endless. The adults looked around confused, but their focus was on their supposedly daughter who was in different clothing.

"Thank you for your cooperation and helping us with our plan" The girl smiled, "Now I'll be on my way goodbye and good luck finding your way out of here, murders"

With that the girl teleport away leaving two people alone in the dark world where they rightfully belong.


(After chapter 6)

After the blonde human closed his eyes and went limp in his arms, He could not help but smile down at his other half. Lucas looks so innocent, so fragile that he could break if not handled carefully, he reminds Him of a small child.

Standing up with the human in his arms, He walked over to a bed with green sheets and someone else in it. After putting Lucas on the bed, He watch as the two hug each other and let out a content sign. His other half and their keeper, both right in front of him, ready for him to take them. As much as He wants to, he must wait for the right moment.

"Master" A voice said behind him.

"Ah, there you are" He said as he turned to a girl in white and gold, "You did well my dear"

The girl walked to him and looked at him with her golden eyes, "Thank you master" She then look at the two boys, "What are you going to do with them?"

He takes one of her hands and brought it to his lips, "We need to wait, for now let's return home"

"Yes master"

"I told you before my dear, call me Abyssal" He smiled, kissing the girl's hand. (I got tired of typing He and Him, it got confusing.)

"As you wish" The girl said then added, "Lord Abyssal"

Abyssal smiled, he let go of her hand only to put it on her shoulder, "Come along, the others are waiting"

The girl nodded and before they teleport away, she glanced at the two sleeping boys and questioned herself on why they seemed familiar.

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