Chapter 13

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People who are protective of Shadow, please forgive me


When Shadow woke up, his throat was dry, and he had a hard time breathing. The young Steve tried to sit up, but he felt so weak. He felt a hand on his back and helped him sit up then the person offered him water which Shadow instantly took. While Shadow drank the water, he felt the person rub his back in a soothing matter. It was when he finished, the person spoke up.

"Feeling better?"

When Shadow turned to thank the person, he was met with a ghost Steve that he had done wrong to years ago.

"G-Ghost" Shadow shook.

"Yeah, it's been some time Shadow" Ghost frowned, "What are you doing in the Catacombs? I thought I warned you to never step foot in here ever again"

"I-I didn't know, I-I was-"

"Save your excuses" Ghost snapped making Shadow whimper, "Now leave before I make you"

"Please, I have to find my cousin he-"

"Really? Making up family members? I know your 'family' Shadow, and every single one is bad news now get out"

Shadow started to panic, he was worried about his cousin's safety, but from the look on Ghost tells him that no matter what, the Steve will not believe him. Getting up, Shadow walked away with his head down, not knowing where to go as the Catacombs had changed once again.

Ghost smirk as watched as the Steve walk away, Shadow will not find his way out as Ghost was going to make him suffer like he did to others. Using a different exit in the room, Ghost walk out to find Faceless who has not seen in some time. Luckily, he did not have to look long as Faceless appeared around the corner with an angry looking silver colored Steve.

"Uh, Faceless, who's that?" Ghost asked.

"This is Silver" Faceless introduced, "Silver this is-"

"Ghost" Silver huffed.


"My family talks about you, both of you" Silver said, not really in the mood to talk, "Now where is my cousin"

"Cousin?" Ghost look to Faceless, he hoped it was not who he was thinking of.

"I was surprised to, but he's Shadow's cousin"

"What? I thought Shadow only had Dark and Nightmare. And I didn't think they were related"

Now it was Silver turn to be confused, "No, Dark is my uncle and Shadow's dad, and Nightmare is our grandpa."

"Wait what?" Faceless asked, "Then who are your parents?"

"Light and Vi" Silver then decided to tell them his whole family so they can get on finding Shadow, "Dark, Reverse, and Rainbow are my uncles; Light is my mom; Vi is my dad; Nightmare is my grandpa; Plague is my godfather; Sabre is going to be Shadow's mom once he marries Dark; Lucas is going to marry Reverse. Now does that answer all of your questions"

While Ghost was trying to process what the young Steve told him, Faceless started to fanboy.

"Yeee" Faceless glede, "I knew DarkSabre and ReverseLucas would happen."

Ghost just looked at him in disbelief which Faceless just shrugged.

"I spied on them before" Faceless said, "Tell me when the weddings happen"

"Fine, whatever, now can we get back to finding my cousin?" Silver said losing his patience.

"Alright kid, he should be in the room up ahead" The shapeshifter gestured to the room behind Ghost.

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