Chapter 6

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During the events of chapter 5

Edited: 5/15/20
Some changes

Here's the ages for everyone (in human years, Steve year are different along with Virus': Nightmare early 50s; Dark, Plague, and Light late 20s, early 30s (27-33); Rainbow and Reverse 25; Sabre and Lucas are 23 (I went by Sabre's real life age); Shadow 17; Silver 16.
Light and Vi married 3 years after Silver was born.
Wow I had Shadow be neglected for almost 13 years, sorry.
Don't do the math, everyone but the humans' age does not make sense. Or do they? IDK


Sabre and Light just finished gathering the items they needed and were heading back to meet up with Lucas and Reverse. On their way back, Light went by the jewelry stand that they passed by before they split up.

"What are you looking for Light?" Sabre asked seeing Light looking for something.

"I had seen Lucas looking at a necklace earlier, but it's not here" Light let out a sign, "I wanted to get it for his birthday"

Sabre patted his friend/son's back, "His birthday is a few months away, you'll find something, for now let's find him and Reverse"

"Right, oh, wait I need to get something, I'll be back" Light ran off leaving Sabre alone.

Light reached a stand that sold pastries.

"Hello young man, what can I do for you today?" The baker asked.

Light asked for different sweets for him, his family, and friends even though it was a big order, the baker knew the Steve when he was younger and often helped the baker, so he did not mind doing it. As the baker made the sweets that he did not have, he and Light had a nice conversation.

"Thank you Mr." Light smiled and put the sweets into his satchel with the rest of the food.

"Anytime Light" The baker shouted back.

"Okay Sabre I'm ba- Sabre?" Light looked around the area that he had left Sabre only to find that the human was nowhere to be found.

A few minutes a nice looking lady walk to him with her husband and kid and asked the Steve if he was alright.

"I-I'm f-fine m-ms" Light smile though the lady could tell he was not, the Steve was not the best liar when he is in a panic.

"Are you sure?" The husband spoke this time.

Light nodded his head, as much as wanted to walk away, his manners prevented him from doing so.

"I-I'm s-sure, um, did you h-happen see a guy with brown hair wearing a bandanna?"

The adults shook their head while the kid answered.


"Where did you see him?"

"He was carried like a princess by a guy wearing a red cloak"

"Honey, when did that happen?" The kid's mom asked.

"I don't remember seeing someone in a cloak" The dad said.

The kid shrugged and said he only got a small glance.

"D-Do you know wh-which direction they went?" Light asked extremely worried about Sabre at this point.

To his dismay, the kid shook her head and her parents gave the Steve a sympathetic look.

"Th-Thank you, I-I should be on m-my way" Before anyone could stop him, Light ran away in hopes to find the cloak person or Sabre.

"Poor boy" The mom said with her husband agreeing with her, "Hope he finds his friend"

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