Chapter 10

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Nightmare awoke a few hours later to a stiff back then realizing he had fallen asleep in his youngest son's bathroom. Speaking of which, the bee Steve look to see Rainbow leaning on him and sleeping. He wants to help him so bad, but it was something Rainbow has to decided alone, everyone's actions will affect his decision. Picking up Rainbow without waking him, Nightmare brought him to his bed and took one last look before leaving. As Nightmare walk through his castle, he smelt the delicious scent of coffee (I like the smell of it) and went to see who was up at this unnatural time (it is around 4 AM). Though he should have guessed it.

"Hey Sabre" Nightmare greeted the human.

"Morning 'Mare, coffee?" Sabre ask already pouring him a cup.

"Please" Nightmare said, "What time did you wake up? It's pretty early"

"I didn't go to sleep" Sabre handed the bee Steve the mug.

Frowning, the oldest Steve said, "Sabre you need to get some sleep. It's not healthy."

"I went a few days without sleep bee" Sabre chuckled while Nightmare rolled his eyes at his nickname, "But, um, Nightmare, do you know if Dark likes someone?"

"Depends on why you ask"

Sabre shifted uncomfortably on his feet, "Well, yesterday, I realized that everyone is in a relationship or have someone to depend on. I know I have Lucas, but he has his own life to get on to. While I was thinking about, I realized that Dark doesn't really have anyone"

"Well Sabre, I can tell you that my son does like someone, but I can't tell you who"

"Why not?"

"That is my son's business" Nightmare shook his head and signed, "You'll find out when you have kids"

"Yeah, kids"

Nightmare was confused as Sabre's saddened tone, "Is something wrong?"

Shaking his head, Sabre changed the topic not wanting to speak anymore of this, "It's nothing, I'm going to make breakfast, want anything specific?"

Sensing that discussion was over, Nightmare suggested for them to have pancakes with honey as something special.

The brunette smirk, "Sure thing Bee"

"Be quiet human" Nightmare glared playfully.

Sabre laughed, "I think I'll make everyone's favorite pancakes"

"Everyone has a favorite pancake?" Nightmare ask taking a sip of his coffee feeling more awake.

"Yeah, Dark and Light like strawberries; Silver and Plague likes bananas and strawberries; Shadow like blueberries; Rainbow and Reverse like all four fruits; Vi and Lucas likes blueberry with bacon; you like honey with bacon; I like strawberry with bacon."

"How did you..."

"I've cooked for Lucas, Light, Silver, Vi, and Rainbow for a bit so I know what they like. Light told me about Dark and Reverse. As for you, Shadow, and Plague, I just watch what you three did and went form there" Sabre smiled.

"You've really grown up" Nightmare mumbled and luckily Sabre did not hear, "Is there anything I can help with?"

"I've got this covered" Sabre said, "Oh, yeah, I also found this, I think you forgot about when Plague went into overprotective mode"

The brunet handed Nightmare the letter which the Steve thanked before leaving with his coffee and for Sabre to get to work (he was making everything from scratch since he had time). Sitting at the dinning table, Nightmare opened the letter and knew something was wrong as the top portion was written in Wither. Every being has their own language to write in though it is rare for any to speak to speak it:

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