Chapter 4

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If anyone of you seen 'Venom' then that's how Null and his shadows work. 

Edit: 5/14/20
Nothing now/important


Standing a place where hardly anyone can get in and have an even less of a chance to get out, Null stood on the cracked cobblestone waiting for his friend. It has been a year since his older brother called him, Entity, and the others to discuss about the odd entity that just randomly appeared then disappeared months later. Since he had disappeared, things had calmed down; however, the shadow entity had a very bad feeling that something big will happen.


Null turned to see Entity floating just above him.

"Hey Entity, thank you for coming"

"Anytime, but why did you asked me to come here? I was in the middle of destroying a village"

"Sorry, but The Void has been calling me and my shadows have been uneasy as of late."

Entity let out a sign, "Null, we've been over this: he's gone. It was a glitch, nothing more, nothing less. Your shadows"

"I know, I know, but it's different this time" Null said trying to convince his friend.

"Null" Entity floated down and grabbed Null's shoulders, "Nothing is wrong, now let's go. Herobrine doesn't like it when you're here for long periods of time."

Knowing it was a losing battle with the older entity, Null let out a sign and followed Entity to The Void's exit.

'He's coming'

Null stopped making Entity stop as well.

'He's coming'

"Null, is everything alright?"

'He's coming!'

"He's coming" Null repeated in a whisper

"Who is?"


"RUN!" Null grabbed Entity's hand and started to run. From what, neither knew, but the shadows sensed something dangerous coming that could hurt the small boy who is their host.

They were about to reach the exit when-

'He's here'

Both stopped seeing a person standing in their way. Entity was confused about what was happening, but when he sees the smaller shaking, he went into protective mode. Pushing Null behind him, Entity glared at the person.

"Who in the Nether's name are you?!" Entity growled.

The person did not speak he stared at Entity before his eyes shifted to Null who coward under his gaze. He then started to walk to the duo, not once did he take his eyes off the shadow child. Entity gave no warning when he shot a fireball at the person.

"Take that weakly" Entity chuckled.

'Behind you'

Null looked behind him and seen the person about to launch an attack on Entity.

"Entity, look out!"

The hooded male was quick to react to his friend's warning and readied himself for the blast which separated him and Null. Now Entity stands between the person and Null.

"You good shadow kid?" Entity asked watching their enemy.

"I-I'm fine" Null huffed.

'What is happening?'

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