Chapter 14

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I was going to make this where Light becomes sad and stuff, but Shadow's protection squad is out so I'll do that later.


(While the cousins were out)

Nightmare was watching as all of his sons fought one another, they certainly got stronger over the past four years. Glancing to the side, Light, Vi and Plague were making bets on who would win. From what he heard, his second eldest claimed that Dark would win leaving the others hoping one of the twins win. Unfortunately for them, Dark's been fighting even before the...yeah.

There was a presence behind the bee Steve that he knew very well.

"Hello Craig" Nightmare greeted the mailman, "Back so soon?"

Craig breathed.

"Passing by? Where were you heading to?"


"Oh, them again? Don't they normally do an experiment twice a week"


"Fair enough, so what you have?"

Craig handed Nightmare a package addressed to Lucas. The Steve thanked the human then went to look for Lucas who he found no too far in the forest with Sabre. The humans were attempting to climb a tree when they seen Nightmare walking towards them.

"Hey Nightmare" Sabre greeted then looked at the package, "Who's that for?"

"Another delivery for the horse" The Steve chuckled and gave Lucas the box.

"Again? This is the second day in a row" Lucas then read the card that came with it:

'To my prince,
I know for the past year or so you wondered who I am and soon I will reveal myself to you. I understand that you may have someone in your heart and probably won't accept me, but I want you to know that I love you. For now, please accept this present from me to you as its cuteness almost matches yours - R'

The blonde opened the package and pulled out a cute crystal horse hair pin. A light blush covered Lucas' checks as he smiled softly at the hair pin.

"Is Lu Lu in love?" Sabre teased, getting a glare from the older human, "But seriously Lucas, who are you going to chose?"

"Excuse me, but chose?" Nightmare said, both humans momentary forgotten about him.

"You see, Lucas has a crush on his secret admirer and on Reverse" Sabre said, earning a punch in the shoulder.

"I see" Nightmare hummed, "Well, don't worry Lucas, I won't tell my son; however, just know I accept you two."

The blonde smiled and hug Nightmare. In the four years, the bee Steve became a dad to the cousins every since Sabre's abandoned him and Lucas' left him alone since they were eight. The trio then headed back as the sun started to set and when they reached the clearing, they seen everyone gathered around Dark. Nightmare ran over while the humans picked up their pace.

"Dark, what's wrong?" Nightmare asked his eldest.

"Silver and Shadow are staying in the place Silver found, it turns out it was the Catacombs" Dark signed, "Shadow met Ghost and now he's going through relapse"

"It'll be fine Dark" Nightmare put his hand on his shoulder, "Shadow got passed it before, he is a strong kid"

The saddened Steve just nodded, now that Shadow is going through relapse, both him and Nightmare have to treat him as they did years ago; something that they don't want to do. Light hugged his brother knowing that he needed and, for extra help, brought Sabre into it who didn't mind. Dark smiled slightly feeling his brother and his phoe- Sabre's arms around him. Maybe with them around, Shadow will feel better sooner.

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