Chapter 8 *New*

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Now chapters will start changing. I'm splitting the event I already done so I could put more down with less of a time limit. Downside is that I have to do these on a new 'untitled part' so comments will be missing, sorry.
For all those who read the chapters before the editing, you know what is coming, for those who have not, wait and see.


(With Shadow)

Shadow woke up in an empty bed which confused him as Silver usually stayed with him until he woke up.

'Maybe he went to apologize to grandpa and Uncle Vi' Shadow thought with a smile.

The Steve stood up, his vision blurred for a second due to standing up too fast, then he started to check if he and Silver had what they needed for their trip to the cave Silver was talking about earlier. He hope it wasn't too far, he wasn't comfortable leaving home yet, but if it kept things quiet, he'll do it.

'Now where did I put my jacket?'


(With Vi and Silver)

"You said Shadow is in your room?" Vi asked his son.

"Yeah, he probably just woke up" Silver said.

Just then they heard the doorbell, Vi told Silver to go on ahead while he sees who is at the door. When the Virus opened the door, he was meant with a mailman, Craig (reference to a different Minecraft Youtuber) if Vi remembers correctly.

"Hello, Craig was it?"

The mailman breathed as an answer.

"What do you have for us today?"

"I got a letter for Plague and Nightmare. Also, a package for Lucas Saga, I heard from Rouge that he was staying here"

"That's correct"

"Great, tell him for me that it's from his secret admirer"

"Secret admirer?"

"Yep, someone has a crush on blondie for about, I don't know, a few months" Craig shrugged.

"Alright" Somehow, some stranger having a crush on Lucas and sending him gifts did not sit well with Vi, "If that's it then-"

"Actually, have you seen these two people" Craig pulled out a paper with two people's picture and names."

Jessie James (30F) and Sid (No surname has been identified) (33M) were reported missing XX:XX AM on XX/XX/2020. Both were reported by close friends and/or families. Both are known to be extremely dangerous, especially Jessie James after killing multiple young adults and kidnapping others for five years. If you have any leads, contact your local police station, or call XXX.

"I don't know either of them" Vi said handing the paper back to Craig.

"Alight, and one more thing. Do you know what's happening to the Shadows?"


"Apparently, a few weeks ago, the Shadows' King, Null, disappeared. Now the Shadows are running ramped to find him. Those who split from the Shadows or are the Shadows' hybrids are going through an enormous amount of pain since the Shadows' King isn't there to be the connector."

"Why are you telling me?"

"I thought little Shadow is a hybrid of the Shadows"

Vi shock his head, "I don't think he is, his dad is a Steve"

"What about his mum?"

"I don't know, no one talks about her"

Craig shrugged, "Don't blame them, she was a nasty person. Which reminds me, ask Dark when's the wedding"

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