Side Chapter 7

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Herobrine and Vana walk in silence around the castle. The devilish angel found this unsettling, she knows what the Nether King is going through and wants to help, but the question is how. Suddenly, Herobrine stopped in his tracks and the brunette bumped into him, almost falling backwards if the king had not grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"Apologies Vana" Herobrine said.

"It's fine" Vana signed then noticed the god still holding her hand.

A visible blush appeared of her cheeks as she averted her eyes from the male. Herobrine, realizing that he still held her hand, let go and apologized again, blushing this time, which the other stuttered out an 'it's fine' once again.

Vana then asked, "Herobrine, are you alright? And be honest"

Letting out a sign, Herobrine told her as she had a sixth sense for liars, "I'm losing everyone Vana. I lost Null, Echo and I'm losing the Ender I knew the longest. And I'm afraid that I'm going to lose someone dear to me soon"

"Hero" Vana put her hand on his shoulder, "Everything will be fine, I promise"

"I hope" Herobrine look at the mobs below, "But I sense bad things are going to happen"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but Abyssal is planning something big" Herobrine thought for a moment, "It feels like history is repeating, but I don't know what is being repeated"


"It's nighttime in the Overworld" The king suddenly said.

(In this dimension, the Overworld is the Steve Saga)


Rubbing the back of his neck, he said, "I figured we could go, you haven't been out since... and I figure you want to get out of this place for a bit"

Vana's blue eyes lit up, her last visit was cut short due to Teal attacking her, Echo and Eclipse. Herobrine had a small smile seeing how excited the winged girl was. Putting a hand on her shoulder, the king teleport them to the Overworld which was covered in darkness for a few hours. With a nod from Herobrine, Vana flew around the area, feeling the night's cool air surrounding her. Though it was tempting to fly further, she feared for another attack, so she stayed close to the Nether King who sat under a tree watching her fly.

As Herobrine watch the devilish angel, his thoughts went back on the events that happened just yesterday. For a god with all the power he ever needs, he was not strong enough to protect those he cared for. Everyone says it's not his fault for the events that occurred, but it was; if he had just listened to Null's concerns or did not dismissed the new entity then his brother and Echo would be with them, and Ender would still be his regular self.

Lost in his thoughts, Herobrine had yet to notice Vana standing in front of him until she said his name, breaking those thoughts.

"Oh, hello Vana, had a nice flight?"

"Yes" Vana then signed, "Herobrine, are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

Vana did not believe that line for a second, "I've been 'fine' all my life Brine"

Seeing that he could not get out this anytime soon, Hero gave in and told her about all his thoughts ever since Null was taken. The winged girl sat next to him, listening to what Herobrine has to say and once he was done, she said:

"Maybe we can go see one of your sons? They could help us getting them back"

Herobrine shook his head, "Jordan is busy trying to keep balance in Mianite with idiots who won't listen; and Adam has enough on his plate between his kingdom, mate, and team. As for Armin, Drake contacted me a while ago to tell me that Armin was barely keeping himself together."

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