Chapter 11

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Everyone pretty much know I ship ReverseLucas


When Reverse woke up to an empty bed, he thought him being in Lucas' room and laying in the same bed was just a dream; however, when he looked up to see the back of a shirtless Lucas searching for a shirt, he knew he had to be dreaming. The Steve stared at the human's back that was littered with scars from his adventures, it was a bit paler than the rest of his skin, but still look as beautiful as the rest of him. When Lucas turned around, Reverse thought he would have a nosebleed seeing what he dreamt of for the past two years.

"Hey Reverse" Lucas smiled, "Did I wake you?"

"N-No" Reverse stuttered feeling his cheeks get warm, "I, um, sorry for intruding?"

"Hm? Oh, don't be" The blonde chuckled, "I basically fell asleep on you"

Reverse got up and stretch, "I didn't mind actually. What time is it?"

"Almost 7"

The Steve could have sworn he saw Lucas' cheeks redden, but he guessed it was from his thoughts once again. Lucas tossed Reverse a shirt, he sleeps shirtless.

"Reverse, can you put this on for me?" Lucas asked holding the necklace he received yesterday which the blue-haired took the necklace while Lucas turned around for him to clip it on.

"So, any idea who this 'secret admire' is?"

"No, but I would love to"

"If you did, would you date him?" Reverse asked curious.

Lucas shook his head, "No, as much as I want to, I already have my eyes set on someone. Though I already know they'll reject me"

Reverse, after clipping on the necklace, turned the blonde to face him, "Why would they reject you? You're smart, kind, funny" 'Sweet, lovable, cute'

"Because I'm doomed to be alone forever" Lucas said with a fake smile as he put his hat on.

"What do you mean by-" Reverse was interrupted when Lucas grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast"

"Alright" Reverse put what the blue-eyed human said in the back of his mind for now.

As they walk, they saw Silver half pull, half cared as tired looking Shadow down the hall. The older was not a morning person by no means. Lucas chuckled and ran to help his nephew while Reverse walk to his twin who came out of his room.

"Hey Bow" Reverse looked at Rainbow's sleeves, "Again?"

Rainbow nodded, "Yeah, dad got to me before I went any further"

"Bow you need to stop, we're all worried" Reverse said, "What if they find out?"

"They're not and never will" Rainbow signed, "I just can't accept that they are dead, especially Blue, I love him so much"

Reverse hug his younger brother, "I know, I remember that night four years ago"

Four years ago, Rainbow got to see Blue one last time as an angel. That night was their last and they spent it laying with each other, not saying a word, just enjoying each other's presence. The colorful Steve wanted to mark Blue, to make it official, but the angel talked him down as he did not want his crush to feel tied to him.

"Yeah" Rainbow smiled a bit, "Thanks for giving us some alone time"

"I knew you like him, I seen that look in your eyes" Reverse smiled, "Now let us go, Sabre made pancakes"

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