Side Chapter 2

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Edited: 4/29/20


Eclipse watched as one of the girls she was supposed to protect, fall onto the grass after the arrow pierced her chest.

"No!" Eclipse screamed.

"Looks like my work here is done," The man in the blue cloak said.

Growling, Eclipse got up and pulled out her moon sword then she charged at the man only to miss him as he stepped back at the last second. The man let out a chuckle.

"You are a strong, even as a Child of the Moon, I'll give you that. But you and your friends are no match for my master and his army, we will clam this world as our own while destroying the Nether, Ather, End and anywhere else we can get our hands on"

"Do not underestimate us" Eclipse shouts, "We are strong, though we come from different worlds and are different beings, we will stand up against anyone who dares threaten our worlds and those we care for!"

The man froze, something about Eclipse's tone reminded him of something or, more specifically, someone. Eclipse noticed this and used this time to strike the man once again only to miss once again.

"I'll see you soon, Child of the Moon" The man said before he teleport away.

"Get back here you coward!"


The hybrid, putting the man in blue in the back of her head, ran to help her friend save the fallen girl. Gathering the remaining of her energy, Eclipse teleport the three of them back to the Nether.

Meanwhile, in the Nether, he didn't know what or why it happened, but it did. One minute he was talking with his old friend, and the next thing he knew was his friend falling to his knees and screaming as though someone was killing him. The mobs turned their attention to the commotion, only to drop what they were doing to help the fallen king. As the mobs helped the fallen king, the other king stood frozen in shock, never had he heard such a fear filled scream. The only reason for him to act like this is if-

"Somebody help!" A female voice shouted before there was a thud.

Some of the attention was turned to the person calling for help and the thud only to see three injured girls on the floor.

"Get them to the medical room and call my brother and Entity" The king ordered. For the first time in a long time, he felt the fear of losing someone to death.

Turning from the girls, the king turned back to his friend who had stopped screaming, but had tears flowing down his face.

"Ender?" Herobrine said softly, "What is wrong?"

The dragon said nothing, he just took off his glove that revealed a jade bracelet, or what use to be jade bracelet as it was a mix of dark green to dull grey. Herobrine moved the collar of Ender's shirt to reveal a choker that was in the same state. Knowing what this means, they and rushed to the medical room hoping the girls will be okay.

As they got closer, they heard shouting and things being thrown causing them to pick up their pace. Once they entered the room, Herobrine felt his heart stop. Standing away from everyone was a girl with long brown hair that covered her face wearing an oversized jacket and blue jeans with the most dangerous weapon in the world: a frying pan (had to).

"What in the name of the Nether is going on here?!" Herobrine's voice boomed around the room making everyone flinch and stop what they were doing.

"My lord" A blaze started, "we brought in Lady Vana, Miss Eclipse and Lady Echo. Then there was a bright light and then this girl appeared."

Herobrine walk towards the girl with a frightening aura, but the girl seemed unfazed by the Nether King.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my realm mortal?" Herobrine growled.

"Like I will tell you!" The girl growled back and ready to fight with her frying pan.

Herobrine pulled out his diamond pickaxe and got into an attack stance, "I'm going to ask one more time, who are you and what are you doing in my realm"

The girl said nothing, only glared at the immortal king which irritated him even more. Herobrine charged at the girl, ready to strike her down; no one disrespects the king of the Nether. Just before he struck, someone grabbed his wrist.

"Ender what do you think you're doing" Herobrine growled.

"Herobrine, stand down" Ender said.

Everyone gasped, never had the End King called Herobrine by his real name during the time they know each other. Hearing his longtime friend and loyal servant call him by his real name, Herobrine did as he said and stand down. Ender turned to the girl.

"Ender, do you know her?" Herobrine asked.

"I don't know, but I feel like I do. Do you know me?" He asked the girl.

"Know you? I do not" The girl scoffed, "Though I am wondering why I am in the Nether of all places"

Ender started to speak but got interrupted by Eclipse and Vana waking up and shouting.

"Where are we?!"

"Is Echo okay?!"

"Now that they say that" a Wither Skeleton spoke up, "Where is Lady Echo?"

While the mobs and entities were distracted looking for the Ender girl, the girl took this chance to get away, but as she neared the door someone caught her. Entity had arrived just in time to see a mortal trying to leave the room. Not knowing if she was a danger or not, Entity grabbed her just in case she was brought in for questioning. Unfortunately, he gripped it too tight making the girl let out a scream.

"Ahhh!" The girl screamed drawing the attention back on her.

In a flash, Ender was right in front of Entity, some of his dragon features started to show. The Ender then growled something that made everyone freeze in their tracks.

"Don't touch my sister"

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