Side Chapter 1

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Edited: 4/29/20


Herobrine sat on his throne watching the mobs go along with their duties. Standing next to Herobrine was Ender who sensed that his lord was very stressed, they both Brine and Ender were. They had thought the mysterious person they were caution of three years ago suddenly stopped appearing a year ago, so they let down their guard.

That was their biggest mistake.

The person had reappeared months ago and attacked Null when he was in the Void with Entity. Before the tragic event, Null had reason to believe the mystery person was out there, but no one listened to him, so he went out to investigate after he and Herobrine got into an argument. He found something in the Void and called Entity who was the only one who would listen to him. Though they were soon blindsided by the mystery person. As Entity described him, the person wore black clothing and had a strange marking on his face. That was all he could see before he was knocked out. When Entity became conscious, he found that the young Shadow King was nowhere to be found. Months passed, no news about the youngest and Null was declared gone.

The loss of Herobrine's younger brother made the Nether King think he was to blame as he should have listened to the Shadow's warnings. Ender felt guilty too, though he didn't show, he was frustrated as he was supposed to foresee these things. As a being of wisdom, Ender believed he failed both his master and his family. They weren't the only ones affected, the Nether, Ather Overworld and the worlds in between are now on high alert for the mystery person and/or Null.

"Lord Herobrine" Ender spoke up.

"Yes" The Brine said without looking

Ender walk in front of Herobrine and look into his pupil less eyes, "Do forgive me, but I want to request if we could go on a walk. I have sensed that you have been stressing and I heard that walking clears one's mind"

"No thank you Ender" Herobrine signed.

Hiding his disappointment, Ender ask, "Do you wish to do something else my lord?"

"Not now Ender"

The Ender dragon thought of ways to get his lord's mind off the problems, it was time he wished he could empathize with him. Unfortunately, Enders are not meant to feel or understand emotions.


"Yes, my lord?"

"Has there been any news about my brother or the person?"

"Unfortunately, no, everyone is doing their best my lord. Entity 303 is searching the Overworld as of now"

Herobrine signed before he got up, "Come along Ender"

Confusion was written on Ender's face, "My -"

The Nether King started to walk, followed by the dragon, "I told you to call me Herobrine, Ender. You and your sister have been serving me to the point that you can drop the formalities"

"In all due respect, I cannot do nor can my sister as that is how we are. I do apologize if it is getting bothersome"

Herobrine glanced over to his servant, "Speaking of which, where are Echo and Vana?"

"Sister went to the Saga world with Eclipse and Lady Vana" Ender said.

"Why are you calling Vana, Lady Vana?" Herobrine questioned, stopping and faced the humanoid dragon, "Usually you just add 'miss' or something like that"

Ender tilted his head in confusion, "I thought you had courted her already, it has been over four years since she started living here."

Herobrine's eyes widened and a blush covered his face, "H-How, where did you come up with that idea?"

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