Chapter 15

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When Shadow woke up, he realized that he was on his communicator all night and heard his godmother mumbling in her sleep. The Steve smiled a bit, he loves his godmother, she use to babysit him when he was extremely young, but once he got a certain age, his dad and grandpa started to train him to help Rainbow. Leaving a message for her, Shadow got up and walk back to where the rest were only to stop by a ghostly figure. The younger bowed his head out of fear of what the other will do to him.

"Shadow, please don't be afraid" Ghost said, "I'm sorry for what I did, it was so wrong of me to make you go through that"

"I told you to drop it" Shadow said, "It's done and over with. Besides we'll be out of here soon enough so you can stop being sorry for yourself."

"I don't-" Ghost closed his mouth when Shadow glared at him.

Shadow walk passed Ghost without another word and went into the room where he sees Silver and Faceless talking to each other only to stop when they seen Shadow and Ghost. The youngest Steve walk over to his cousin to give him a hug which Shadow backed away from. Part of him having relapse is his fear of any type of affection, though he craved it, he was scared of it at the same time. Faceless lead them out with Ghost following them, once they reached the exit, they were met with someone who was not expected.

"Sabre?" Silver asked walking to the brunet with Shadow next to him.

"Hey boys. Faceless, Ghost" Sabre smiled, "How are all of you doing?"

"Fine, but why are you here?" Faceless asked they one question in their minds.

Sabre shrugged, "Got up early and I remember where the Catacombs are so I came here to get Silver and Shadow."

"Does anyone know you're here?"

The human nods then look at the young Steves, "We should head back, everyone should be up when we get back"

"Wait Sabre" Ghost spoke up.

"Ghost, it's fine" Sabre smiled, "Remember, everyone has a reason for doing something, all you have to do is listen. Come on boys, your parents are worried about you"

Faceless and Ghost watch as the human walk away with the two Steves, a lot has certainly change over the years. Ghost felt Faceless hug behind him. No words were spoken, the residents of the Catacombs just stood there. This was for the best.


Shadow was quite the whole walk, so was Silver who didn't know what to say or do in this situation, thankfully, Sabre did.

"Just so you know Shadow, you're going to be coddled by your dad and I" Sabre chuckled, "And Silver, you're getting punished."

"I'm grounded again"

"Nope, your parents decided that your dad and Nightmare are going to give you a proper punishment" Sabre said.

"What about mom?"

The human was quiet for a moment, "He's blaming himself for all of this"


"Silver, we told you about the Catacombs and not to go there. Especially with the history Nightmare, Dark, and Shadow had with them. You've been let off multiple times because your mom hates confrontations and is a too kind hearted person. You know he's the only reason everyone has been holding back, right?" Sabre scolded he didn't like to do this, but the Steve needs to know.

Silver look down, he knows that his mom is the only reason he never really got punished for what he has done, no one can say no to his mom, but now his fate is in his dad and grandfather's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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