Part 7

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The next day I woke up by someone banging on the front door. Then all of a sudden I heard someon yelling. Me and Levi got up and went to check it out. "Y/N. Oh Y/N you are in so much trouble young lady come down here right now". I relized it was Eren and ran to him giving him a big hug. "Fine your not in trouble" he said sweetly. "Y/N who is that?" Levi ask with a jealous tone. "Oh Levi meet Eren he's my childhood friend"I said to him. "Eren STOP BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING WRONG". We turned to the door to only see my other friends. "Sorry Y/N we took longer than we expected because these two wouldn't stop fighting"Mikasa said looking at Eran and Jean. "Why are tou looking at me it was his fault" "Shut it horseface"shouted Eren. I laughed at this then I felt arms rapping around me. I looked back to only see a jealous Levi how cute. "So this is the famous Levi we all heard abot"said Eran in a mischievous tone. My face turned red while Levi chuckled behind me. "Eren leave her alone I think it's rather cute" said Krista while Mikasa elbowed him. "Levi is it okay if they stay here?"  I asked Levi. He looked at the boys for a good minuta and hesitated for a while. "Fine they can stay as long as they want but if they get touchy-touchy with my Y/N they're out".  "Yes sir" they all said in unison while saluting. I showed then around the house and introduced them to the staff. And of coure Erwin and Hange but the two where really protective of me considering whe only known each other for one day. There were some accidents with Sasha and Connie trying to steal the food. They even played with Sowney and Bean and of course Ymir always staying by Krista side to protect her from them. It got late so we all went to sleep.

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