Part 21

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There a note at the end of the story I hope you guys can read it. It's about a new book.

After a couple of weeks everything went back to normal. Mikasa told everything and wouldn't stop saying how sorry she was . But even after that I couldn't help but feel that Levi was hiding something from me. Gathering all my courage I went to talk to him. "Levi are you hiding something from me?"I asked. "Yes" I stayed quiet. "Do you want to know what it is?"I nod my head. He got up and walked towards me. "Just know that if you try to run away I will catch you. Because your mine."he said sending shivers down my spine. He held my tightly in his arms. I nodded rapidly. We walked towards his chair and he sat me on his lap while hugging me close to his chest. "A-are you breaking up with me?"I said while crying. "No how could say that I would never" he said while cleaning my tears. "Your the only one for me. I love you Y/N" I smiled at him. "But do you promise your won't run away or hate me?"I reached out to him and kissed him. "No I won't. I even sealed it with a kiss"I said while giggling. "Well I'm in a mafia organization" I just sat there shocked. "Are people that I know there?" "Yes Erwin, Hanji, Petra and her husband. And recently Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Berthold, and Reiner joined us. B-but don't worry we don't do anything bad we only take down the bad guys" he said. "Who are you working for?" "You mean who's the boss" he asked. I nod my head. "Your sitting on him" he said with a smirk on his face.

(So I'm writing a new story. It's called "The Captains Wife". It's a Levi•Reader. It only has 4 chapters so far but I hope y'all can enjoy it. I love you all ❤️ ❤️.)

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