Part 16

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Days have past by and I don't speak or eat a lot.  I just wanted to see Levi, sometimes Eren would come visit me in the room they moved me to. Bye t whenever I said Levi's name he would hit me and say "Y/N can't you see I'm doing this for you for us. You don't need that price of shit". After visiting me he would come back for day I concluded that when he wasn't here he was at Levi's house. Over the days I met all the members. There names were Annie, Berthold, and Reiner there were others but I never spoke to them. I even found out who the blonde with glasses was. Apparently he is Eren's older brother. Whenever I saw him he tortured me saying it was revenge for all the things Levi did to him. Annie, Berthold, and Reiner would always visit me after he left. Berthold and Reiner would sometimes bring me  books or games to play with to cheer me up. They were like the big brothers I never had. Annie would hang out with me and help me with my wounds. Those were the only good times of being stuck in this hell.
~ Mikasa's POV ~
I couldn't take it anymore. I can't support seeing Y/N like that like. I have to stop Eren. " Sasha can you do me a favor I'll give you some chips" I said looking at her. "Yes ma'am" she said saluting. "Gather everyone in the library" she ran out to get everyone after I gave her her chips. When I got to the library everyone looked at me. "I have something to confess".

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