Part 10

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(Sorry for the late update school has been really hard so I'm really sorry) We all turned to see a man and woman walk in hand in hand. Ymir quickly got up and introduced us to them. "Hello Mr and Mrs. Fritz how have you been?" Levi asked. "Oh Mr. Ackerman I didn't know you were coming" they said shocked. "Mom , dad you know this freak?" Ymir asked whikle pointing at Levi. "Ymir don't be rude this is Levi Ackerman he was our greatest help whe we were starting our company without him we wouldn't be here today" Mr. Fritz said. We all looked at Levi shocked, especially me just who was my boyfriend. "Mr and Mrs. Fritz I would like you to meet my girlfriend and future wife" Levi said proudly. I look away blushing of embarrassment. "It's nice to meet you miss?" "Y/N' Y/N L/N" "Wow Y/N when were you going to tell us you were getting married. I feel like I didn't do a good job as a father" Eren said dramatically with fake tears clinging to Mikasa. Mikasa being the bice person she is went along with it and rubbed his back comforting him. "I-I'm not well at least not yet" I said looking embarrass. Levi wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss in the cheek. After some time Levi and Mr. Fritz left to Mr. Fritz office to talk about some business matters. While we all went to the main room to listen to some of Mrs. Fritz stories. They invited us for dinner so we stayed and talked a little more. After dinne we left to Levi's house. I was tired so I fell asleep leaning on Levi.
~Levi's pov~
'She's so cute when she's asleep. We arrived at the mansion. I didn't want to wake her up to our room. I layed her down and covered her with the sheets. I can't let her find out, I have to protect her'. I kissed her forehead and left.

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