Part 23

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(So I still haven't gotten any questions and I think it would be very awkward if no one asked at lest one question. So please ask away. I would also like to hear what you guys think of my story. So please ask anything your curious about. Love you all ❤️❤️.)

"Omg! Congratulations Y/N" Krista said looking at the ring. "You know what we should do to celebrate" we all turned to look at Sasha. "Go eat" "I never thought I would say this but I agree with her" Ymir said.
A day after Levi proposed the girls dragged me to the mall to celebrate. While we were walking to a restaurant I saw a little girl by herself. "Guys give me a second I have to do something " I said to the others while walking to the girl. "Hey are you lost what's your name?" "M-my name is Gabi Braun and I lost my mom" she said crying. "I'll help you look ok . Mika you guys go ahead I'll catch up to you guys in a bit" I said walking away with the little girl. "Where did you last see her?" "Outside" "Let's go then."  We walked for a while then took a corner but then we suddenly stopped. "Hey is everything-"  "What did you do to him?"she said. "What are you talking about?" "What did you do to Reiner to change?" I turned to walk away to only be stopped by someone. "E-Eren" "Are you surprised to see me my dear?"he said covering my mother with something. The last thing I remember I someone yelling my name.

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