Part 19

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We ran through halls that looked like it took forever. We finally reached the door to only find Eren and the others. Berthold, Reiner, and Annie pushes me back protecting me from them. "Hand her over" Eren said angrily. "Y/N run" Annie yelled. Good panicked for a while but did as I was told and ran. "You guys follow her" he yelled at a group of guys. I ran and ran and heard the group of guys chasing me and yelling at me. After sometime I heard voices in front of me and I panicked and grabbed a stick in front of me. I got in a fighting position and realized it was Levi and the others. I released the stick and ran to him hugging him. "Levi I thought I would never see you again" I said crying into his arms. They turned to look at the guys chasing me. "Shot them" Levi said glaring daggers at them. After he said that I snuggled closer to him falling unconscious.
~ Levi's POV ~
'I got her back' I thought crying while holding her tightly in my arms. 'I'll protect you Y/N I won't let anybody hurt you.' "Kill them, kill them all but bring me Eren." "Yes sir" they said and ran off.
~ Eren's POV ~
'She left me, they took her away from me' I thought while running through the woods. I reached them in the center. "Give her back Levi or you'll regret it" I said while pointing a gun at him. He just hugged her closer to his chest. "Don't touch her let her go" I yelled while running towards him. But Mikasa had to get in front of me. "Move Mikasa or I'll shot you" I yelled. "I'm sorry Eren" were the last words she said to me. "Mika—".

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