Part 11

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I woke up and headed to the dinning room for breakfast. I walked in and the room was empty, 'guess everyone is still asleep'. After I ate I wlked to the libary. When I got there I found Mikasa. "Good morning Mikasa, how did you sleep?" I asked. "Y/N can I talk to you?" "Sure what's up?" "I don't know if it's true but I have hunch Levi is hiding something. But I don't think it's true so don't about it so much ok" she said walking to the door. "Yeah don't worry and thanks for telling me Mika". "No problem I'll go wake up the others for breakfast bye" Mikasa said. "Yeah see you later" I stayed in the libary for a good couple of hours trying to put the peices together. Mikasa's words echoed in my head 'I think Levi is hiding something'. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by someone shaking me. Y/N, Y/N arr you okay?" I looked up and saw Levi. "Mikasa told you where here and you haven't come out sincr breakfast. Is everything okay?" Levi asked concerned. "Yeah I was just really tired so you don't have to worry about it" I lied and I think I made it really obvious but he trusted me. There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. But my stomach being the jerk he is growled loudly. Levi looked at me and laught. I looked away of embarrassment. "Hungry?" "Y-yes" Isaid shyly. "Come on let's go eat". We walked to the dinning room and ate. It was already night time so we went to sleep. 'I need to find out what he is hiding'.

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