Part 15

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"E-eren?What's going on? Where am I?" I asked panicked. "Y/N Chan~ how was the trip? I hope everything was okay. If not tell me and I'll go fuck up the one that was responsible" he said with a crazy smile. "N-no, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" I asked terrified. "I couldn't take it anymore I lost my last straw. Your mine not that Levi shrimp. I couldn't handle seeing him with you so I took things into my own hands." "I- I don't understand" " Y/N  I love you. I've always loved you ever since the first day I met you. Do you understand n-" "Eren" We turned to the door and I saw the same guy that was screaming at Levi days ago. "What do you want" Eren asked angrily. "You need to go now or they will grow suspicious of you". "Okay" he walked closer to me. "Stay away" "Fine be that way I'll leave you here as punishment" he yelled. When they left I crawled to the corner while crying. "Levi please save me."
~Levi's POV~
I woke up because I heard people yelling and running around. I walked out the room to find bushy brows and shitty glasses. "What's going on? Why is everyone yelling and running?" they looked at each other and hesitated for a while. "Levi it seems that Y/N has gone missing " bushy brows said. "Good one no where is Y/N?" They stayed silent looking away from me. "This is a joke right?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry Levi" shitty glasses said.

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