Part 26

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~ Levi's POV ~
'How long has it been since I last saw her? 4-5 years?' I thought to myself looking up at the ceiling. "I miss you so much Y/N" I said kissing my ring. Ever since she was taken away from me for a second time I couldn't sleep I barely even did any work and didn't eat much. "Levi we found her" Erwin said while barging into the room. "Where is she" I asked while getting up. After he told me where she was I ran out the room. 'Y/N, I would finally be able to see her smile again' I thought to myself. "Don't worry Y/N I'm coming for you.

~ Y/N POV ~
"Levi I miss you" I whispered to myself. I started to hear footsteps so I cleaned my tears and pretended to be reading. The door open to reveal my little Kuchel and Eren. "Mommy look what I got for you with uncle Eren"she said while running towards me with flowers. I reached out and grabbed her hand shielding her from Eren. "Calm down sweeties was only talking our daughter for a walk" he said in a sassy tone. "Get away from her she's not your daughter and I'm not your sweetie" I snapped at him. He snapped and grabbed my face pulling me closer. "You've been mine for 5 years and Levi hasn't done nothing to save you. You belong to me and me alone" he said throwing me to the floor. "Dinner will be serve in a hour wear something pretty we're having guests over, love you" he said and walked away. I ran to Kuchel and hugged her tightly.

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